
Extreme weather occasionally disrupts the University’s normal operations.

Decisions on cancellations, closures, or delays are normally made by 7 a.m. and are communicated via:

  • a message through the MtA Alert system  
  • an alert message on the
  • the University’s , , and accounts
  • local radio stations, including:

Severe weather could result in cancelled classes, a delayed opening or early closure, or a full closure of the University. Operations such as the heating plant, security, debris/snow clearing, residences, and the dining hall are maintained even if the University is closed.

Storm safety

A few things to keep in mind to keep you safe:

  • Check weather and highway conditions
    Before heading out on the road, check the forecast and highway conditions. The weather can deteriorate quickly and roads can remain slippery even after a storm is over.
  • Use your judgment in getting to campus
    If you travel to campus by car and are concerned about road safety, don’t venture out. Conditions in your area may be different than in Sackville.
  • Advise your instructor or supervisor
    If the University is open and you cannot make it to campus due to weather conditions, advise your instructor(s) or supervisor.
  • Watch your step
    Even when sidewalks, stairways, and parking lots have been cleared (and in winter, are salted or sanded), there can be slippery spots or debris. In winter, new snow can hide ice from view.

Road conditions


Weather reports

Parking lots and walkways during winter

Facilities Management is responsible for snow clearing on campus. Staff work diligently to keep parking lots and walkways clear of snow and ice and are often here very early getting campus ready after a storm.

In some cases, the same weather conditions that restrict access will mean that facilities staff may have more difficulty getting to campus to begin clean up. This is one factor taken into account when considering campus cancellation or delays in opening.

Drifting snow and changing conditions can quickly cause a build-up of snow or ice.

If you note icy or snow-covered patches, please let Facilities Management know by e-mailing fixit@mta.ca.

What to do in the event of a hurricane

There is usually more warning for a hurricane than for a tornado.

If you are not in an area that is being evacuated:

  • stay inside and do not plan to go outdoors until after the hurricane has passed
  • Stay away from windows to avoid being injured by flying glass from broken windows.

Check in with local media and the frequently for updated weather and emergency instructions.

What to do in the event of a tornado

  • Seek shelter indoors.
    In particular look for:
    • Small interior rooms on the lowest floor, without windows (such as a closet)
    • Hallways on the lowest floor in a place away from doors and windows
    • Rooms constructed with reinforced concrete, brick, or blocks with no windows
    • Seek shelter under a sturdy workbench or heavy furniture if no basement or interior room is available.
  • Cover your head and neck with your arms.
  • Stay away from:
    • outside walls and windows
    • top floors of buildings
    • areas with glass windows or doors
    • auditoriums, gymnasiums, cafeterias, or other areas with large, free-span roofs

If you are out in the open and cannot get indoors, some possible actions are:

  • If you are able, get into a vehicle, buckle your safety belt and drive to the closest shelter. If your vehicle is hit by debris, pull over and park.
  • Take cover in a stationary vehicle. Put your seat belt on, cover your head with your arms and a blanket, coat, or other cushion if possible.
  • Do not get under an overpass or bridge. Try to stay in a low, flat location.
  • If there is no time to escape, lie flat in the nearest depression or ditch.