Our nationally-recognized Meighen Centre provides services and accommodations to ¶¶ŅõPro students with documented disabilities.
¶¶ŅõProās Meighen Centre provides accessibility support to students with disabilities and medical conditions, whether permanent or temporary. Students registered with the Meighen Centre may receive academic and/or campus accommodations. Have questions? We're here to help!
For accessibility on campus, visit
New to the Meighen Centre?Students must register with the Meighen Centre before accessing services and accommodations. We highly recommend you register early as documentation may be required and some supports take time to implement. |

Accommodations, programs, and resources
Meighen Centre students have access to academic accommodations, services, and resources.

Appointments and staff
Have questions? We're here to help! Our professional staff is here to guide you every step of the way.

Pre-orientation for new students
The Meighen Centre pre-orientation is held a few days prior to the general University Orientation each year.

¶¶ŅõPro the Meighen Centre
Building on programs and services offered on campus since 1988, the Meighen Centre was established in 1994, with a landmark donation from Michael and Kelly Meighen of the then-Themadel Foundation, now the T.R. Meighen Family Foundation.
The Meighen Centre was one of the first of its kind among Canadian universities and is nationally recognized for its work with students who have learning disabilities. Several years ago, it expanded its services to include services for students with all types of disabilities, in partnership with the Universityās Wellness Centre.
The Centre also works with faculty on implementing Universal Design for Learning principles, provides Mental Health First Aid training and occasionally conducts research to study a variety of topics that affect young adults.
Full list of our services and accommodations
Assistive technology
- Kurzweil 3000
- Inspiration
- Echo Smart Pen
Liaison with admission office, deans, professors, funding agencies, library staff, technical services.
Alternate formats
Digital text ā we help you obtain digital textbooks or course packs for reading with computer software. We also assist students with creating digitized course outlines and journal articles for class work using our scanners.
- LD screening on site
- Referrals for full assessments, off campus
- Academic ā course selection & program selection
- Personal ā referrals
- Financial ā assistance with Canada Student Loans, Canada Study Grants, Grants for Services & Equipment for Students with Disabilities
- Career and post-graduation ā issues dealing with employment and graduate schools
Note takers
Limited funds are available to assist students in paying for note takers.
Peer tutors
Peer tutors are available to students whose disability necessitates additional clarification or elaboration of material presented in lectures. Limited funds available to assist students in paying for tutors.
Test/Exam accommodations:
- Extra time
- Quiet room
- Use of computer/spell checker
- Text-to-voice software
- Voice-to-text software
Time management and organization help
Writing assistance and proofreading
For faculty and staff
Are you faculty or staff supporting students with disabilities? Resources are available on the
Policy on Students with Disabilities¶¶ŅõPro is proud to be an institution that welcomes and supports a diverse student body. To this end, ¶¶ŅõPro is committed to providing support for students with disabilities, and, where warranted and without compromising academic standards, will provide reasonable accommodations. To learn more, visit Policy 1201 ā Policy on Students with Disabilities. |
Contact us
Meighen Centre
Email: accessibility@mta.ca
Phone: (506) 364-2641
Log into:
8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
Summer hours: (Victoria Day-Labour Day)
8:30 a.m.-4:00 p.m.
Wallace McCain Student Centre (3rd floor)
62 York Street
Sackville NB E4L 1E2