
The safety, security, and well-being of those who have experienced sexual misconduct, harassment, or assault are fundamental considerations.

IMPORTANT: If this is an emergency and/or you have current concerns about your safety or the safety of others, call 911 and notify Campus Security at (506) 364-2228.

If immediate medical attention is required, you can:

  • call 911
  • report to the (8 Main St.) or nearest emergency room
  • report to the at The Moncton Hospital (135 MacBeath Ave.)
  • Other immediate medications are available at the Guardian Drugstore (106 Main St.) or Jean Coutu (97 Main St.)

Please note, you are NOT required to report the assault to police to receive medical services.

To disclose and/report sexual violence:

Getting support

If you or someone you know has experienced sexual violence, recently or in the past, ¶¶ÒõPro offers free and confidential services — regardless of whether you choose to make a formal report or not.

We can also provide guidance and support for faculty or staff who are supporting a student who has experienced sexual violence.


At ¶¶ÒõPro, our Sexualized Violence Response Consultant can:

  • connect you with support services
  • help explain and think through various options available
  • make referrals as appropriate (i.e., medical attention, law enforcement, etc.)
  • assist with requests for academic accommodations
  • make recommendations to the accessibility service advisor for academic accommodations if required
  • make referrals to for complainants who wish to access community supports such as Public Safety Victim Services, shelters, Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE), or other medical assistance, other counselling services
  • consult with complainants on the amended procedures for sexual violence prevention and response
  • explain the processes of the University and criminal justice system
  • provide taxi transportation upon request to police, community supports such as Public Safety Victim Services, shelters, Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE)/hospital, or other medical assistance
  • and just listen


Other on-campus resources:


Emails to counsellor@mta.ca are only seen by the Student Development Counsellors.

Student development counsellors can:

  • Provide free, confidential one-on-one crisis or long-term counselling and support
  • Assist survivors in determining what steps they want to take, if any
  • Help the survivor to develop a personal safety plan
Health clinics at the Wellness Centre

A number of medical and health services are available on campus through the Wellness Centre.

To book an appointment with the Wellness Centre:

  • Phone: (506) 364-2163
  • E-mail: wellness@mta.ca 
  • In-person: at the Wellness Centre, lower level of the Wallace McCain Student Centre

The registered nurse/educator facilitates and delivers primary health care services, including testing, health counselling, clinical services, and referrals when appropriate.

All services are strictly confidential. Medical information can only be released with your written authorization.

Sexual Violence Prevention and Education Co-ordinator

Working within the Student Affairs team, the Sexual Violence Prevention and Education Co-ordinator plays a leadership role in programming and support focused on prevention and education related to sexual harassment and violence on campus.

Contact: sveducation@mta.ca

Disclose and/or file a complaint

If you or someone you know has experienced sexual violence, there are options available for you to disclose and/or file a complaint.

If you choose to disclose and/or file a complaint, you will have access to a range of options and can choose to engage in any, all, or none of them. Guidance and support is available every step of the way.

Filing a complaint is voluntary and not required to access support.


Off-campus community resources

Sexual violence and harassment resources

South East Sexual Assault Centre

  • 24/7 support line: 1-844-853-0811
  • takes a trauma-informed approach, offering confidential specialized sexual assault violence services. They also provide support to families and close friends of survivors when needed.

Sexual Violence New Brunswick

  • 5 p.m.-8 a.m. helpline: (506) 454-0437
  • recognizes that all sexualized violence, regardless of sex, gender, gender identity, or sexual orientation is gender-based violence.

Crossroads for Women

  • 24/7 support line: 1-844-853-0811
  • of sexual and/or domestic violence, regardless of if they are female-identifying or not.

Beauséjour Family Crisis Resource Centre

  • 24/7 support line: (506) 533-9100
  • Hours of operation: Monday to Friday 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
  • also serves men and male-identifying people. They do sexualized violence response and help with all other kinds of mental health crises too.

Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner Program (SANE)

  • Program coordinator: (506) 869-2996
  • Through the Horizon Health Network, for victims of sexual or domestic violence.
Sexual health clinics

Vitalité NB Sexual Health (bilingual)

  • For advice or to make an appointment: 1-833-603-0499
  • Or

Horizon Family Planning Clinic, Moncton

  • Toll free: 1 (844) 806-9205
  • Located in the Moncton Hospital
  • Visit

Department of Health and Wellness, Moncton

  • (506) 856-2401
  • Provincial Public Health line

Clinic 554 Abortion and IUD services, Fredericton

  • Toll free: 1 (855) 978-5434
  • Providing abortion and IUD services by appointment.
Health clinics

Tele-Care (health info)

  • 811

Port Elgin and Region Health Centre

  • (506) 538-2140

Coverdale Medical Clinic, Riverview

  • (506) 384-2100

Shediac Regional Health Centre

  • (506) 533-2700

Marais Health Centre – Dépannage du Marais, Dieppe

  • (506) 384-1110

Pharmacie Familiprix, Memramcook

  • (506) 758-2525
Mental health helplines

CHIMO Helpline

  • 24/7 support line: 1 (800) 667-5005
  • A provincial crisis phone line, accessible 24 hours a day, 365 days a year and free to all residents of New Brunswick. Chimo Helpline can help you by providing a listening ear, helpful information, crisis intervention and referrals to resources in the province. They are confidential, non-judgmental, and supportive.

Kid’s Help Phone counsellors

  • 1 (800) 668-6868
  • Text 686868
  • Whether by phone, text, mobile app, or through its website, you can connect with the Kids Help Phone whenever you want; however you want.

Canada Suicide Prevention Service

  • 1 (833) 456-4566
  • Crisis Services Canada — a national network of existing distress, crisis and suicide prevention line services. 

National Eating Disorder Information Line

  • 1 (866) 633-4220
  • NEDIC provides information and resources so that individuals are empowered to make the decision best suited to their personal circumstance.

Trans Lifeline

  • 1 (877) 330-6366
  • Provides trans peer support for our community. Run by and for trans people.

Helpline for Compulsive Gamblers

  • 1 (800) 461-1234
  • Provides problem gamblers, their families and/or others affected by problem gambling, with information related to problem gambling and/or referrals for help. 
Mental health and community resources

Mobile Crisis Unit

  • 1 (866) 771-7760
  • Provides interventions to defuse situations in the community to individuals and families outside of the usual hours of operations including evenings and weekends.

Atlantic Wellness Community Centre

  • (506) 382-0298
  • Registered charity that provides access to free and timely mental healthcare to youth and young adults aged 12-21 in Southeastern New Brunswick.

YWCA Moncton

  • (506) 855 4349
  • Community-based women’s resource centre committed to social justice with a focus on gender equality.

Moncton Addictions & Mental Health

  • Horizon Health: (506) 856-2444
  • Vitalité: (506) 862-4144

Community Mental Health Centre (CMHC), Sackville/Moncton

  • (506) 856-2444
  • Provides support for individuals facing issues with mental health and/or addictions.

Alcoholics Anonymous

  • (506) 381-0583
  • Fellowship of individuals who share their experience, strength, and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others recover from alcoholism.
Provincial services and hotlines

Action Canada for Sexual Health & Rights Access Line

  • 24/7 toll free: 1 (888) 642-2725

Sexually Transmitted Infection Hotline

  • 1 (877) 784-1010

Telecare 811

  • 24/7 toll free: 8-1-1
Victim services

If you are a victim of crime and have reported the crime to the police, Victim Services may be able to assist you. Visit for more information.

  • Elsipogtog: (506) 523-4747
  • Moncton: (506) 856-2875
  • Shediac: (506) 533-9100
Indigenous community services

ACCESS Open Minds Mental Health Support

  • (506) 523-8345

Elsipogtog First Nation

  • (506) 523-8222

Fort Folly First Nation

  • (506) 379-3400

Lone Eagle Treatment Centre

  • (506) 523-8244

National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls

  • Support Line: 1 (844) 413-6649
2SLGBTQIA+ resources

Ensemble Moncton

  • (506) 859-9616
  • Striving to alleviate complex social challenges through outreach, harm reduction, and safe environments for 2SLGBTQIA+ citizens.

UBU Atlantic

  • E-mail: ubuatlantic@gmail.com
  • Seeking to affirm identities in a way that will positively influence the individual’s transition at home, school, and in the workplace. 

Trans Lifeline

  • 1 (877) 330-6366
  • Trans-led organization that connects trans people to the community, support, and resources they need to survive and thrive.

New Brunswick Human Rights Commission

  • 1 (888) 471-2233