Roopen Majithia

Roopen Majithia completed his schooling in Bangalore and his higher education in the US and Canada. He holds a PhD in Philosophy from the joint program at MacMaster University and the University of Guelph and is currently at ¶¶ÒõPro in Canada, where he teaches widely in the History of Western Philosophy and Indian Philosophy as well as in Ethics. He has written and published on Plato, Aristotle, Shankara and the Bhagavad Gita.
The Highest Good in the Nicomachean Ethics and the Bhagavad Gita: Knowledge, Happiness and Freedom (Bloomsbury Publishing, 2024)
"The Ethical Syncretism of the Bhagavad GÄ«tÄ," Comparative Philosophy (January 2015)
"Love and Virtue in Aristotle's Ethics" The Archive for the History of Philosophy and Political Thought (2014)
"Blues as Catharsis" in Blues and Philosophy: Thinking Deep ¶¶ÒõPro Feeling Low, edited by Jesse R. Steinberg and Abrol Fairweather (Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell, 2012): 84-93
"Shankara on Action and Liberation," Asian Philosophy (2007)
"Function, Intuition and Ends in Aristotle's Ethics," Ethical Theory and Moral Practice (2006)
"On the Eudemian and Nicomachean Conceptions of Eudaimonia," American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly, (summer 2005)
"Self and Soul in Aristotle," Transcendent Philosophy, (June, 2004)
"The Relation of Divine Thinking to Human Thought in Aristotle," The American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly (Summer 1999)
PhD (Guelph-McMaster) 1999
MA (Northern Illinois University) 1994
BA Honours (Beloit College) 1992
- Plato's Republic
- Introduction to Ethics
- Ancient Philosophy including Hellenistic Philosophy
- Indian Philosophy
- The Rationalists
- The Empiricists
- Advanced Ethical Theory
- Philosophy as a Way of Life
- Ancient Greek Philosophy
- History of Ethics
- Indian Philosophy
- Comparative Philosophy