
Ilaria Battiloro

Hart Hall 404
Office hours
By appointment


Ilaria Battiloro is a Professor of Classical Archaeology in the Departments of Classics and Visual and Material Culture. She received her B.A. in Classics from the University of Naples “Federico II”, her post-lauream specializing degree in Classical Archaeology from the School of Archaeology of Matera (Ph.D. equivalent), and her Ph.D. in Classical Archaeology from the University of Alberta. Before joining Pro in 2011, she has been contract-instructor of Computational Approaches to Archaeological Research at the University of Basilicata.

Since 2017, she co-directs the Venus Pompeiana Project, a new archaeological research program that recently received a SSHRC Insight Grant. Born as a collaboration between Pro and the University of Missouri, under the auspices of the Archaeological Park of Pompeii, this program aims to investigate the Sanctuary of Venus in Pompeii and its architectural and cultural history, with special focus on the pre-Roman phases of the site and the impact that the Roman conquest of Pompeii had on its architectural forms and cultic system. Since 2019, Dr. Battiloro is principal investigator of a project on ancient colonization phenomena and their parallels with modern colonization of Canada, which received President’s Research and Creative Activities Fund from Pro.


Selected Publications

Books and edited books

2017: Battiloro I.  The Archaeology of Lucanian Cult Places. Fourth Century BC to the Early Imperial Age. Routledge/Taylor & Francis.

2012: Battiloro I., Osanna M. (eds.).  Brateís Datas.Pratiche rituali attraverso votivi e strumenti del culto dai santuari della Lucania antica. Osanna Edizioni: Venosa.

2008: Osanna M., Battiloro I. (eds.). Progetti di Archeologia in Basilicata: Banzi e Tito. Parte II:  Dall'abitato arcaico alla Diocesi Medievale. Studi e ricerche archeologiche dell'Università degli Studi della Basilicata a Torre di Satriano. Edipuglia: Bari.


Forthcoming 2020: Battiloro, I., Mogetta M., “Il Santuario di Venere.” In Studium erga populum erga sapientiam. In ricordo di Enzo Lippolis (Proceedings of the International Conference, Pompeii, 12-13 July 2018), edited by M. Osanna and L. Toniolo.

Forthcoming 2020: Battiloro I., “Roman-Lucanian Dialogue: The Role of Local Elites in the Process of Cultural Integration in Late republican Lucania.” In Proceedings of the International Conference “Encounters in the Ancient World. Leadership, Lifestyle, Legitimacy” (Universidad de Buenos Aires, in collaboration with McGill University) (in Spanish).

2018: Battiloro I., Mogetta M., “New Investigations at the Sanctuary of Venus in Pompeii: Interim Report of the 2017 Season of the Venus Pompeiana Project.” FastiOnline Documents&Research.

2018: Battiloro I., Osanna M., “Organizzazione dello spazio e regime delle offerte nei santuari lucani (IV-III sec. a.C.).” In Il ruolo del culto nello sviluppo insediativo dell’Italia tra il IV e il I sec. a.C. (Thiasos Monografie 8), edited by E. Lippolis and R. Sassu, 59-94. Rome.

2018: Battiloro I., Albanesi C., “Rituali funerari e ruoli di gender nella Lucania antica: nuovi spunti di riflessione.” In Ollus leto datus est. Architettura, topografia e rituali funerari nelle necropolis dell’Italia meridionale e della Sicilia fra antichità e medioevo (Proceedings of the Conference, Reggio Calabria 22-25 ottobre 2013), edited by C. Malacrino and S. Bonanno, 71-84. Reggio Calabria: MArRC Edizioni Scientifiche.

2017: Battiloro I., Albanesi C., “Men, Women and Wine: a Gender-Based Analysis of Lucanian Necropoleis”, Mouseion 14.1, LVIII-Series 3: 1-43.

2015: Battiloro I., Osanna M., “Continuity and change in Lucanian cult places between the third and the first centuries BC. New insights into the ‘Romanization. Issue’.” In The impact of Rome on cult places and religion in Italy. New approaches to change and continuity (Proceedings of the Conference, Royal Netherland Institute at Rome, Rome, May 21, 2010), edited by G.-J. Burgers and T.D. Stek, 169-197. London: Institute of Classical Studies, University of London.

2012: Battiloro I., Osanna M., “Le aree di culto lucane: topografia e articolazione degli spazi.” In Brateís Datas. Pratiche rituali attraverso votivi e strumenti del culto dai santuari della Lucania antica, edited by I. Battiloro and M. Osanna, 15-37. Venosa: Osanna Edizioni.

2011: Albanesi C., Battiloro I., “The mundus muliebris within the Lucanian sanctuaries. Tales of women and social life in the small votive offerings.” In The gods of Small Things (Pallas. Revue d’études antiques, 88), edited by A.C. Smith and M.E. Bergeron, 287-309. Toulouse: Presses Univ. Mirail.



Introduction to Archaeology

Greek Art and Archaeology

Roman Art and Archaeology

The Archaeology of Greek Colonization in Southern Italy

Art and Archaeology of Pompeii

The Archaeology of Daily Life in the Greek and Roman World

The Archaeology of Religion in the Greek and Roman World

Introductory Latin








Dr. Battiloro’s main research interests lie in the cultures of pre-Roman Italy (especially the Lucanians) and their interaction with the Greek and Roman world, with special focus on ritual practices and ethnic and cultural identity. She is also keenly interested in parallels between the colonization dynamics in the Greek and Roman worlds and the Canadian colonization process, with special attention paid to religion, cult and ritual practices, and sacred iconography.