Hannah Lane

Conference papers and public lectures
Papers for Refereed Conferences [Peer reviewed proposals or papers]
“Young Women at the Ladies’ Academy, 1854- 1865,” Atlantic Canada Studies Conference, Acadia University, 4 May 2018
“The scholarship of Gail Campbell,” 21st Atlantic Canada Studies Conference, Pro, 7 May 2016
“‘Nothing but a dream’? Revival and church conflict in the First Baptist Church, Calais, Maine, 1835-1855,” International Conference on Baptist Studies VII , Manchester England, 15-18 July 2015
“Gender, ‘Public’ Prayer, and Baptist churches in Maine, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia, 1820-1855,” Canadian Society for Church History, University of Ottawa, 1 June 2015
“Home and Away or Home and Nearby? Finding ‘Youth’ and ‘Young Adults’ in mid 19th century southeastern New Brunswick census returns,” The 20th Atlantic Canada Studies Conference, St. Thomas University and University of New Brunswick-Fredericton, 2 May 2014
“Churches and anti-slavery in the Maine-New Brunswick borderlands, 1835-45”, 22nd Biennial Conference of the Association for Canadian Studies in the United States, Tampa, FL, 22 November 2013 [part of a panel jointly organized with graduate students at the University of Maine-Orono]
“Congregationalism in eastern Maine and southern New Brunswick, 1825-1861,” Canadian Society of Church History, University of Victoria, BC, 3 June 2013
“Denominational identity/ies and the family in the 1861 New Brunswick census,” Religion and the Household: the 51st Summer Conference of the Ecclesiastical History Society, Bangor, Wales, 20 July 2012
“‘The industrious exiles of Erin’: Irish immigrants in mid-nineteenth century St. Stephen, New Brunswick, and Calais and Baring, Maine,” The Irish in New England: Dublin Seminar for New England Folk Life, Deerfield, Massachusetts, 22 June 2012
“Freemasonry and denominational identity/ies in nineteenth century Maine and southern New Brunswick,” part of a panel on freemasonry organized jointly with Bonnie Huskins (UNB Fredericton and St. Thomas University), David Bell (University of New Brunswick Law School), and Jerry Bannister (Dalhousie University). The 19th Atlantic Canada Studies Conference, University of New Brunswick - Saint John, 4-6 May 2012
“Maine and New Brunswick freemasons and contested political geographies, 1770 - 1870,” 3rd International Conference on the History of Freemasonry, Alexandria, Virginia, 27-29 May 2011
"Wealth-holding and the life course in mid-nineteenth century St. Stephen, New Brunswick, and Calais and Baring, Maine,” part of a panel with Gail Campbell, University of New Brunswick, “Till Death Us Do Part: Widows and Widowers in Charlotte County, New Brunswick, 1845-75”, Understanding the Populations of the Past: New Developments and Interdisciplinary Perspectives (Canadian Population Society, the Canadian Federation of Demographers, and the Canadian Historical Association), 1-2 June 2010, Concordia University, Montreal, PQ
“Freemasonry and identity/ies in nineteenth century New Brunswick and eastern Maine,” Symposium on American Freemasonry and Fraternalism, National Heritage Museum, Lexington, Mass., 9 April 2010
“Evangelical churches and freemasonry in Washington County, Maine and Charlotte County, New Brunswick,” Men, God and the Churches: Conflicts in Christianity and Masculinity, session organized by Lynne Marks (University of Victoria); Organization of American Historians, Hilton New York , 30 March 2008
“Revivalism, Historians, and Lived Religion in the Eastern Canada -United States borderlands,” Summer Conference, Ecclesiastical History Society, University of Cardiff, 21 July 2006
University Lectures and Talks
“Church Conflict and Social Ethics in a Maine- New Brunswick borderlands Community,” 2020 Rawlyk Lecture, Acadia University, 31 March 2020 rescheduled for September 2020
“Indigenous History and Indigenous Studies,” Days of Action and Reflection: Pro Indigenizes and Decolonizes, 3 May 2017
“'An estimated value of female labour': Documenting women's work in nineteenth century New Brunswick,” International Women’s Day/for the President's Advisory Committee on Women's and Gender Issues , Pro, 8 March 2016
“‘Brethren and sisters’: gender, family, and Baptist churches in mid nineteenth-century New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and Maine,” Atlantic Canada Studies - pre Congress public seminar, University of New Brunswick, 6 May 2015
"Agitation, falsehood, slander, politics, money, influence, threats, fire: church conflict and reform movements in a Maine-New Brunswick borderlands community, 1831-61,” Atlantic Canada Studies Seminar Series, University of New Brunswick, 5 February 2013
Invited Lectures and Talks to Local Historical Societies or Community Groups
“Old burial grounds and new cemeteries in nineteenth century southern New Brunswick,” Fredericton Heritage Trust/Provincial Archives of New Brunswick, 25 November 2018
“The Confederation debate in southeastern New Brunswick,” 10 August 2017, pre-concert talk series, Été musical de Barachois /Barachois Summer Music, Grand-Barachois, NB
“Youth in mid-nineteenth century southern New Brunswick,” Tantramar Heritage Trust, 31 May 2017
“The historian, midwives, and their times: revisited,” Tantramar Heritage Trust 6 August 2015 (an updated version of the 2010 talk below).
“Sackville Women in History: from the Mi’kmaq to the mid 20th century,” Tantramar Heritage Trust, 15 May 2011
“The Midwife’s Tale: the historian, the diarist, and their times,” Tantramar Heritage Trust: Under the Sky Festival, 3 August 2010
Hannah Lane received her MA and PhD from the University of New Brunswick - Fredericton, where she remains an Adjunct Professor with the History Department and School of Graduate Studies. She teaches courses on Canadian history, American history in the colonial and antebellum periods, the early modern Atlantic world, and the life course and the family in Western Europe and North America. Her research focuses mainly on the cultural and social history of late 18th to late 19th century southern New Brunswick and eastern Maine through topics such as burial grounds, religion, anti-slavery, freemasonry, gender, family, demography, and wealth holding.
Commissioned and Refereed Articles
- "'The Garden of the Dead': The 'Old Burial Ground,' Cemetery Reform, and Cultural Memory," in The Creative City of Saint John, ed. Gwendolyn Davies, Peter Laroque, and Christl Verduyn (Halifax: Formac: 2018), 84-90 and 137-39
- "'The Industrious Exiles of Erin': Irish Immigrants in Mid-Nineteenth Century St. Stephen, New Brunswick, and Calais and Baring, Maine," American Review of Canadian Studies, 1 June 2018 Taylor and Francis Online DOI: 10.1080/02722011.2018.1474613
- "Women and Public Prayer in the Mid Nineteenth Century 'Calvinistic' Baptist Press of New Brunswick and Nova Scotia," in Canadian Baptist Women, ed. Sharon M. Bowler (Hamilton, On and Eugene, Or: McMaster Divinity College Press and Pickwick Publications, 2016), 3-19
- “Evangelical Churches and Freemasonry in Mid-nineteenth Century Calais, Maine and St. Stephen, New Brunswick,” Journal for Research into Freemasonry and Fraternalism, 2 (2011): 60-78
- “Revivalism, Historians, and Lived Religion in the Eastern Canada -United States borderlands,” in Revival and Resurgence in Christian History, ed. Kate Cooper and Jeremy Gregory, Studies in Church History, 44 (Woodbridge, UK: Boydell and Brewer, 2008), 251-61
- “Diversity Within a Common Religious Culture,” Our Diverse Cities (Ottawa : Metropolis Project with the Association for Canadian Studies and Federation of Canadian Municipalities, No. 3 Summer 2007), 161-64
- “Evangelicals, Church Finance, and Wealth-Holding in Mid-Nineteenth Century St. Stephen, New Brunswick, and Calais, Maine,” in The Churches and Social Order in Nineteenth-and Twentieth Century Canada, ed. Michael Gauvreau and Ollivier Hubert (Montreal & Kingston: McGill-Queen's University Press, 2006), 109-50
- “Tribalism, Proselytism, and Pluralism: Protestants, Family, and Denominational Identity in Mid-Nineteenth Century St. Stephen, New Brunswick,” in Households of Faith : Family, Gender, and Community in Canada 1760-1969, ed. Nancy Christie (Montreal & Kingston: McGill-Queen's University Press, 2002), 103-37
- “‘The Pence of the Poor and the Pounds of the Rich’: Methodist Church Finance and Wealth-holding in Mid-Nineteenth Century St. Stephen, New Brunswick,” Papers: 1997 and 1998 (Toronto: Canadian Methodist Historical Society, 1999), 90-116
- “‘Wife, Mother, Sister, Friend’: Methodist Women in St. Stephen, New Brunswick, 1861-1881,” in Separate Spheres: Women's Worlds in the 19th Century Maritimes, ed. Janet Guildford and Suzanne Morton (Fredericton, N.B.: Acadiensis Press, 1994), 93-117
- “Alexander McKnight,” Dictionary of Canadian Biography, XII (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1990), 659-60
Book Reviews
- Review of Gordon Heath, War with a silver lining : Canadian Protestant churches and the South African War, 1899-1902, Canadian Historical Review 92,2 (2011): 363-65
- Review of John Kent, Wesley and the Wesleyans, Journal of the Canadian Church Historical Society, 2003 45(1): 97-100
- Review of J. I. Little, Love Strong as Death: Lucy Peel's Canadian Journal, 1833-1836, Historical Studies in Education/Revue d'histoire de l'éducation, 25,1 (Spring 2003): 158-61
- Review of Dale A. Johnson, The Changing Shape of English Nonconformity, 1825-1925, Canadian Journal of History/Annales canadiennes d'histoire XXXVI, (August/août 2001): 375-77
- Review of Everything Worthy of Observation: The 1826 New York State Travel Journal of Alexander Stewart Scott ed. by Paul G. Schneider Jr, The Canadian Historical Review 101,3 (2020): 484-486

History 1601 New Nations in North America
History 2411 Canada to 1871
History/Religious Studies 3481 Religious/Spiritual Traditions in Canada
History 3491 Immigration in Canadian History
History 3511 Colonial America in an Atlantic World
History 3801 Birth to Death: Life Course and Family History
History 4420 The Atlantic Provinces
History 4901 Archives and Research Methods
University of New Brunswick
English 1013 Fundamentals of Clear Writing
Fine Arts 3796 History of Music in Canada
History 3765 Music in Medieval and Renaissance Europe
History 3775 Music in the Baroque and Classical Periods
History 3785 Music in Western Europe 1790 - 1914
History 3322 Religion in Canada 1600 -1970
History 3316 Canadian Immigration History
History 3321 Canadian Colonial Society
History 4321 Canadian and American Rural History
St. Thomas University
History 2886 Canadian Women's History
“From ‘unsightly’ to ‘ornamented’: the transformation of burial grounds in nineteenth century southern New Brunswick
Religion in St. Stephen, New Brunswick, and Calais and Baring, Maine, 1825-1881
Male and Female Students at the Pro Academies, 1843-1862
Charlotte and Westmoreland Counties, New Brunswick, and Washington County, Maine census returns, 1850-1881
Freemasonry in New Brunswick and eastern Maine, 1770-1881
The History of the University of New Brunswick
Grants, awards & honours
"South-eastern New Brunswick censuses, 1851 and 1861", SSHRC Aid to Small Universities "Small Communities" Award - Faculty Grant, 2012