
Honours application notification form - Mathematics and Computer Science

Before you begin to fill in this form, make sure you have your:

  • cumulative GPA

In addition to this notification form, please speak directly with any faculty you wish to do your Honours with.

Applications do not guarantee an honours position.

This form is for general notification to the Math and Comp Sci department only.
Students pursuing Honours must also officially register via the Registrar’s office at


    •    Students applying for an honours program must declare their intention in year three, by December.
    •    Please note that at time of application, to be considered for honours, students should have achieved a minimum CGPA of approximately 3.0 on all course work in the prescribed honours program and an overall GPA of approximately 3.0 on all courses undertaken beyond first year.
    •    The Registrar’s office application will be forwarded to the appropriate department for signed approval of the department head. You will be notified of the status of your formal application to pursue honours sometime after final grades for the current academic year have been received pending receipt of departmental approval.

* Indicates required field

Applicant information

Are you applying for honours in:

Please rank your preferred supervisor. Weight
Dr. Geoffrey Cruttwell
Dr. Laurie Ricker
Dr. Meghan Allen
Dr. Mark Hamilton