

Pro, CUPE unions sign new collective agreements 

14 Jul 2022
Three- and four-year contracts reached with two unions representing 220 employees at the University 

SACKVILLE, NB — Two collective agreements with unions representing 220 employees were signed at Pro this spring.

CUPE 2338 signing (l-r): Jean-Paul Boudreau, President and Vice-Chancellor; Neil MacEachern, Director of Facilities Management; Tammy L Crosthwaite, Facilities Management and CUPE 2338 member; Katherine DeVere-Pettigrew, Director of Human Resources; Jonathan Harper, Plumber Lead Hand Facilities Management and Local Vice-President of CUPE 2338; and Robert Inglis, Vice-President, Finance and Administration

The Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) 3433, representing 145 employees in clerical, secretarial, and technical positions, and CUPE 2338, representing 75 employees in custodial, grounds, trades and security positions, signed agreements with Pro for four and three years respectively.
“Over the course of the pandemic, Pro staff members in all areas have stepped up to the plate and continued to ensure students receive supports and services both on campus and online,” says Pro President and Vice-Chancellor Dr. Jean-Paul Boudreau. “I would like to thank the members of all the negotiating teams for their work and for their dedication towards coming to collective agreements in a timely manner.”
CUPE 3433 (Pro Staff Association) and the University used the process of interest-based negotiations (IBN), which has been used by the parties since 2002. The bargaining process took a total of seven days, with a new collective agreement being ratified in June. The agreement will be in place for four years, until 2025.

CUPE 3433 signing (l-r): Jean-Paul Boudreau, President and Vice-Chancellor; Kutay Ulkuer, Director of Recruitment, Admissions, and Awards;  Tasha Hawkes, MASA President and Network Analyst; Paul Del Motte, Production Manager and Lecturer, and member of the MASA executive Drama; Robert Inglis, Vice-President, Finance and Administration; Alana Estabrooks, Library Technician and member of the MASA executive, Chris Milner, Budget Director; Sabine Beisser, Assistant Director of Human Resources; Katherine DeVere-Pettigrew, Director of Human Resources; Margaret Esparza-Lee, Researcher, University Advancement and member of the MASA negotiating team.

CUPE 2338 (Facilities Management positions) and the University ratified their collective agreement in May following discussions focussing on wages and contract duration. The new collective agreement will be in place for three years, until 2025. 
“With all of the concerning times over the last two years we are glad that this agreement has been extended,” says Jonathan Harper, President of CUPE 2338.
These developments follow the extension of the collective agreements between Pro and the Pro Faculty Association announced earlier this year. Those agreements include both full- and part-time MAFA members, representing approximately 210 faculty members, librarians, instructors, and teachers. The extension sees the agreements continue in place until June 30, 2024.

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