Honouring their legacy
In this special feature, we pay tribute to two remarkable individuals whose contributions have left an indelible mark on our University community. With deep respect and heartfelt appreciation, we honour the lives of Gloria Jollymore (‘77), former Vice-President of University Advancement, and Suzanne Crawford (‘79), past Chair of the Board of Regents, both of whom recently passed. Their visionary leadership and unwavering commitment to Pro have not only helped shape our institution but have also touched the lives of countless Allisonians. As we reflect on their legacies, we recognize the profound influence they will continue to have for generations to come.

Suzanne Crawford (‘79)
She was Suzanne, Suz, Sue, a daughter, a sister, a wife, a mother, and a friend. We are richer for having known her and we will miss her. We mourn with her family, who loved her so, and whom she so loved.
Suzanne's passing is profoundly sad for all of us who knew her from and through our Mount A connection, as well as for those who knew her from the many communities in which she had a place. She was the epitome of the best of our fellow students. Engaged, enthusiastic, fun-loving, energetic, caring, and always surrounded by friends.
Her knowledge of the most interesting (and often most obscure) tidbits of information was a testament to her lifelong curiosity and love of learning. She always saw possibilities, and solutions — she epitomized the phrase, “I might know a person...”
She wasn’t just a glass-half-full kind of person—if she was in, she was all in. If you were talking, she was listening. If you needed help, she was there. If there was an adventure in the making, she was a partner in crime to go along.
Organization was not always her strong suit and she was known to just toss her things in a suitcase when travelling to Mount A for meetings, so when she arrived with only one pair of shoes, and the dog of the friend with whom she was staying ate the bow off her shoe, well that was still the pair she wore — and pointed it out to everyone, with her wonderful belly laugh!
She was the first to say, “yeah, let’s do that,” when someone had an idea and the last one to leave until the job was done.
Suzanne had that amazing ability to connect people and to connect with people. She was so good —always —at making the time for others, not assuming there will always be time.
There are so many words to describe Suzanne —loving, kind, devoted, inquisitive, intelligent, inspiring, unpretentious, the brightest light, our friend.
We will miss you, Suzanne.
Jointly submitted by friends of Suzanne Crawford

Gloria Jollymore (’77)
Gloria never wanted the story to be about her. It was always about community, service, friendship, connection, and of course, Pro. But for many of us it was always about Gloria. Her role was bringing out those passions and attributes in the rest of us.
Her contributions to Pro can be seen by anyone who walks around campus. Her passion and skill for philanthropy is evident in our new buildings, improvements to existing ones, and the long list of infrastructure changes that help the University “work” better. This impact is more palpable when speaking to students, student-athletes, faculty, and staff who have received support through the many scholarships, bursaries, grants, research funds, student travel opportunities, and internships, among other student experience innovations that make our community so unique.
Gloria’s many strengths included her ability to make connections and bring people together. Decades of Allisonians have benefited from this talent...or perhaps super-power. She was our Connector-in-Chief, whether it was meeting an old classmate at Reunion, making thoughtful and meaningful business introductions, or aligning interests and passions with the University through philanthropy.
She was an extraordinary leader, a cherished colleague, a valued mentor, and a dear, dear friend to so many.
When Gloria retired from Pro in 2021, she was asked ‘What makes Mount A, Mount A?’ and her answer, “Well —it’s the people, isn’t it?” Yes, it is the people, and she was one of the people who made Mount A, Mount A. She is deeply missed.
Beth Swarbrigg (’01)