On Campus
¶¶ÒõPro professors awarded NSERC grants
Over $650,000 will help support research programs across campus
Five ¶¶ÒõPro researchers were recipients of multi-year research grants from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC). The grants were announced earlier this spring. The funding will help support research programs across campus and includes the work of both faculty members and student researchers.
¶¶ÒõPro 2020 recipients include:
- Dr. Irena Kaczmarska (biology)
Molecular and developmental approach to understanding diversification in mediophyte diatoms ($200,000 over five years) - Dr. Andrea Morash (’05) (biology)
The evolution of ketone body metabolism and hypoxia tolerance ($140,000 over five years + $12,500 additional early career research supplement) - Dr. Jenny Wong (biochemistry and chemistry)
Sources and impacts of water-soluble iron in atmospheric aerosol ($120,000 over five years + $12,500 Additional early career research supplement) - Dr. Geneviève Desmarais (psychology)
Visuo-haptic object processing, memory representations, and multisensory integration ($140,000 over five years) - Dr. Terry Belke (psychology)
Awarded a Discovery Development Grant, a two-year award valued at $30,000, that will help support Belke’s research program, which focuses on physical inactivity, learning, and motivation
Photo caption, Dr. Andrea Morash (’05) with her master’s student in the Crabtree Aqualab on campus.