
Rosemary Polegato

Room 207 Avard Dixon Building
Office hours
As scheduled


Teaching Philosophy: A teacher is like a gardener. Just as plants are at the centre of any garden, students are at the very heart of the teaching and learning landscape. My goal is to contribute to the development and support of students as they strive to achieve their academic and personal aspirations.

I strive to create spaces that expand students' horizons, foster independent thinking, and reward intellectual curiosity, while helping them to discover themselves as learners and as people. I offer a repertoire of experiential approaches, including community-based projects, case studies, and field trips, to motivate students to care about their learning and to make connections to their own lives.

The most rewarding feedback is when I see that students accomplished more than I could have hoped for them, that they embraced learning opportunities and made them their own. They are rooted in gardens of their own making; they see themselves as co-creators of their own learning. They cared enough to make connections.


1986 PhD, Ivey Business School, Western University (formerly, University of Western Ontario)

1985 MBA, Ivey Business School, Western University (formerly, University of Western Ontario)

1976 MSc (Consumer Studies), University of Guelph

1974 BSc (H.E.; Major in Textiles & Design) Honours, St. Francis Xavier University


Courses taught include:

Comm 2201 Fundamentals of Marketing
Comm 2211 Marketing Management
Comm 3211 Consumer Behaviour
Comm 3251 Global Marketing
Comm 3271 Arts and Culture Marketing
Comm 4241 Current Challenges in Marketing (e.g., Sustainable Marketing)
Comm 4261 Social Media Marketing
Comm 4301 Arts and Culture Management
Comm 4950/1 Independent Study in Commerce (Supervision) 
Comm 4990 Honours Thesis (Supervision)
Independent Student Research Grant (ISRG) (Supervision)

Member of Committee for establishment and development of Certificate in Arts Administration 


Research Philosophy 

I seek to increase understanding of the impact of psychological, social, and cultural forces on consumer behaviour, arts and culture audiences, the physical environment, and young adult learners.

Research Interests

Arts and culture marketing/management issues, such as audience development. Effectiveness of pedagogical approaches, such as art and creativity as conduits for learning. Health and wellness in academia.

Selected Publications in Discipline

Polegato, R., & Bjerke, R. (2019). Looking forward: anticipation enhances service experiences.  Journal of Services Marketing, 33 (2), 148-159.

Polegato, R., Bjerke, R., & Ind, N. (2013) "The Impact of Art on Employees: Is It A Matter of Pride?" 12th International Conference on Arts and Cultural Management (AIMAC 2013), Bogota, Colombia.

Polegato, R., Bjerke, R., & Ind, N. (2013). The Before and After: Audience Perceptions of Brand Dimensions of Cultural Products. Journal of Euromarketing, 22 (1 & 2), 24-35.

Chan, J. & Polegato, R. (2011). Social Identity and Indie Music: Me or We? Tourism, Culture & Communication: Special Issue on Creative Industries, 10 (3), 247-263.

Polegato, R. & Bjerke, R. (2009). Cross-cultural Differences in Ad Likeability and Ad Element Likeability: The Case of Benetton. Journal of Promotion Management, 15 (3), 382-99.

Dorn, D. A. H., & Polegato, R. (2008). First-Time and Repeat Visitors: What Makes a Satisfying Museum Experience? In Leroy Robinson, Jr. (ed.), Developments in Marketing Science, proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Academy of Marketing Science, Vancouver, BC, Volume XXXI, 14-20.

Polegato, R., & Bjerke, R. (2006). The Link Between Cross-cultural Value Associations and Liking: The Case of Benetton and Its Advertising.  Journal of Advertising Research, 46 (3), 263-273.

Bjerke, R., & Polegato, R. (2006). How Well Do Images of Health and Beauty Travel Across Cultures? A Self-Image Perspective. Psychology & Marketing, 23 (10), 865-884.

Bjerke, R., & Polegato, R. (2006). Differences in Value Orientation of Coca Cola Drinkers and House Brand Drinkers: A Cross-national Investigation. Journal of Euromarketing, 15 (4), 7-33.

Selected Teaching & Learning Publications and Presentations

Polegato, R. with Caignon, P., Lock, P., Maher, P., Tsujita, C., & White, J. (2022). Celebrating a Community of Support and Practice Dedicated to Educational Wellness and Innovation. STLHE/SAPES 2022: Reconnecting and Reconstructing: Perspectives on Teaching and Learning, Ottawa, ON.

Polegato, R. with 2014 cohort of 3M National Teaching Fellows: P. Caignon, P. Maher, J. White. ā€œEverybody Learns when Everybody Teaches,ā€ Guiding the Journey: Learner ā€“ Teacher ā€“ Learner, Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education Conference (STLHE/SAPES), June 11-14, 2019, Winnipeg, MB.

Polegato, R. with 2014 cohort of 3M National Teaching Fellows: P. Caignon, C. Duncan, D. Eansor, P. Lock, P. Maher, J. Murray, R. Polegato, C. Tsujita, M. Volk, J. White (workshops): 
ā€¢    Becoming the Catalysts for Change: Transforming Higher Education. Gateways in Higher Education: Cultures, Transitions, and Transformations, Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education Conference (STLHE/SAPES), June 20-23, 2017, Halifax, NS.
ā€¢    Laughing Matters: Humour as a Teaching and Learning Value for Empowerment, Empowering Learners, Effecting Change, (STLHE/SAPES), June 21-24, 2016, London, ON.
ā€¢    Welcome to Our (Creative) Classrooms! Tuning into the fun in teaching ā€“ how to stop worrying and embrace creativity, Achieving Harmony: Tuning into Practice, Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education Conference (STLHE/SAPES), June 16-19, 2015, Vancouver, BC. 
ā€¢    Wellness and Self-care for Teachers: Practical Solutions and a Call for Change, Achieving Harmony: Tuning into Practice, Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education Conference (STLHE/SAPES), June 16-19, 2015, Vancouver, BC. 

Polegato, R. (2015). ā€œEngaging Students in Reflection on Learning: Explanations, Exercises, and Portfolios.ā€ Letā€™s Talk Teaching, UPEI Workshop, September 3, 2015. 

Polegato, R. (2014). ā€œWhen Assessment Reveals a Dark Side: New Paths to Academic Sanctions,ā€ 2014 Fall Teaching Day, ¶¶ŅõPro, August 27, 2014.

Polegato, R. (2014). The Eco-sculpture Assignment: Using Art to Scaffold Metacognition. Marketing Education Review: Special Issue on Teaching Innovations, 24(1), 53-57.

Polegato, R. (with R. Ginther, A. T. Frost & T. Gregory) (2014). Community Connections: Learning Through Collaboration. Being Bold: Embracing Change, Conference of Association of Arts Administration Educators (AAAE), Montreal QC. Chair and presenter.

Polegato, R. + 5 other members on moderated panel (2013). Culture Days Success Stories: Effective Models of Cultural Engagement. Culture Days National Congress, The Art of Engagement: Finding, Igniting and Keeping Audiences, May 23 & 24, 2013, Toronto ON.

Polegato, R. (2013). The Arts as a Conduit for Learning about Sustainability. STLHE/SAPES 2013: Sustainability: Learning to Live, Learning for Life, Cape Breton University, Sydney NS.

Polegato, R.  (2012). Course Learning Portfolios: Assessing Learning through Reflection. Educating for Leadership: Conference of Association of Arts Administration Educators (AAAE), Claremont CA.

Polegato, R. (2012). Assessing Creative Thinking: An Invitation to Explore F(l)ights of Fancy. Creative Teaching (& Learning!): Dalhousie Conference on University Teaching & Learning, Halifax NS.

Polegato, R. (2012). Interdisciplinary Strategies that Connect Students to Communities. Conference of Educational Developers Caucus, Dalhousie University, Halifax NS.

Polegato, R. (March 2011). Who Were in My Three Courses? STLHE/SAPES Newsletter, No. 56: 3.

Polegato, R. (with A. Branneman) (2011). ACTIVATE TO EDUCATE: Encouraging Engagement and Reflection. Conference of Association of Arts Administration Educators (AAAE), Boston MA.

Polegato, R. & Clarke, C. (2010). Pas de deux: pairing an internship with an experiential learning course. Association of Atlantic Universities (AAU) Teaching Showcase: Key Changes: Transitions in Our Students, Our Classes, Ourselves, University of Prince Edward Island.

Polegato, R. (with A. Branneman & D. Olsen) (2010). Experiential Learning: Beyond the Case Method. Conference of Association of Arts Administration Educators (AAAE), Washington DC.

Polegato, R. (2010). Learning Portfolios: Encouraging Reflection & Analysis. Fall For Teaching, ¶¶ŅõPro.

Polegato, R. (2010). Gallery Hop: Where? Art? Thou?  Dalhousie Teaching and Learning Conference, Halifax NS.

Polegato, R. (2008). Early, Engaging and Efficacious: The ARTiFACTS Assignment. Dalhousie Teaching and Learning Conference, Halifax NS.

Polegato, R. (2006). "Field Trips: Beyond Show and Tell."  13th EDucational INnovations in Economics and Business (EDiNEB) Conference, Lisbon, Portugal.

Contributions to Solomon, Michael R., White, Katherine & Dahl, Darren W. (2017 & 2014). Consumer Behaviour: Buying Having and Being. Canadian Editions. Scarborough, ON: Pearson Education Canada. [Co-author on first five Canadian editions with Judith L. Zaichkowsky: Solomon, M. R., Zaichkowsky, J. L., & Polegato, R. (2011, 2008, 2004, 2001 & 1999).  Consumer Behaviour: Buying Having and Being.  Canadian Editions. Toronto: Pearson Canada.

Grants, awards & honours

Dr. George F. Stanley Lecture- Canadian Public Art: Our Space, Our Stories?

3M National Teaching Fellow

Distinguished Teaching Award, Association of Atlantic Universities

J.E.A. Crake Teaching Award for Faculty of Social Sciences

Paul Pare Faculty Excellence Award, ¶¶ŅõPro