
Frank Strain

Professor — Retired


Books / Monographs:

The Willingness to Pay for Municipal Water Quality Improvements in Sackville, New Brunswick, A Study Prepared for the Inland Waters Directorate, Atlantic Region, Environment Canada, Two Volumes, Vol 1(81 pgs.), Vol. 2. (32pgs.), 1991.

Integration, Federalism and Cohesion in the European Community: Lessons from Canada? (Dublin: Economic And Social Research Institute,1993). (93 pgs.).

The Canadian Welfare State: Past, Present, and Future  (Toronto: Irwin Publishers, 1997) (editor with R. Blake and P. Bryden),

Principles of  Microeconomics  (Toronto: Prentice Hall, 1998) (with K. Case, R. Fair, and M. Veall), 631 pgs.

Principles of  Macroeconomics  (Toronto: Prentice Hall, 1998) (with K. Case, R. Fair, and M. Veall), 554 pgs.

 Instructors  Resource Manual for Principles of  Microeconomics (Toronto:  Prentice Hall, 1998) (with P.J. Euzent), 255 pgs.

Principles of  Microeconomics  (Toronto: Prentice Hall, Second Edition, 2001) (with K. Case, R. Fair, and M. Veall), 569 pgs.

Principles of  Macroeconomics  (Toronto: Prentice Hall,  Second Edition, 2001) (with K. Case, R. Fair, and M. Veall), 505 pgs.

Instructors  Resource Manual for Principles of  Microeconomics (Toronto:  Prentice Hall, 2001) (with Mary Lesser), 231 pgs.

Academic Papers:

“Bankruptcies in Canada: An Analysis”, The Western Economic Review, 1(2),1983, pp. 43-64. (with G. Mason).

“Redistribution and Equalization Payments in a Federal State: A Social Welfare Approach” The Western Economic Review, 3(1), 1985, pp. 49-65. (with D. Hum).

“Canadian Federalism and the Welfare State: Shifting Responsibility and Sharing Costs” in J.S. Ismaal (ed.) The Canadian Welfare State: Evolution and Transition (Edmonton: University of Alberta Press, 1987) (with D. Hum).

“The Canadian Public Sector: An Introduction” in G.C. Ruggeri (ed.) The Canadian Economy: Problems and Policies (Gage: Toronto,1986), pp.51-60 (with D.Hum).

“Fiscal Imbalance and Winnipeg: A Century of Response” Urban History Review 15(2), [October/Octobre 1986], pp. 137-50 (with M.Strain and D. Hum).

“Citizenship and Fiscal Federalism: A New Theoretical Framework” Atlantic Canada Economic Association Papers (ACEA: Halifax), pp. 59-70 (with D. Hum).

“Norman McLeod Rogers: A Neglected Nova Scotian Contributor to Regional Economics” The Dalhousie Review, 66(3), Fall 1987.

“Fiscal Transfers, Horizontal Equity, and Post Secondary Education”, The Canadian Journal of Higher Education (Fall 1988) (with D.Hum).

“The Local Public Sector in 2000: Avoiding Fiscal Crisis?” in The New Brunswick Economy in the Year 2000 (Moncton: Institut  Canadien de Reserche sur le Developpement Regional, 1989).

“Prince Edward Island: The Public Finances” in M.McMillan (ed.) The Provincial Finances: Plaudits, Problems, and Prospects (Toronto: Canadian Tax Foundation, 1991).

“The Power of the Sack: The Cost of Job Loss in Canada 1953-1985”, Labour/Le Travail, 25 (Spring 1990), pp. 143-160 (with H. Grant).

“The Social Structure of Accumulation in Canada, 1945-1988”, Journal of Canadian Studies, 26(4), Winter 1991-92, pp. 75-93 (with H. Grant).

“Environmental Monitoring, State of the Environment Reporting, and the Social Sciences: Notes on the Atlantic Maritime Ecozone Action Plan” in R. St Pierre, T.A. Clair, W. Prescott, and C. Staicer, Proceedings of the Atlantic Maritime Ecozone Long-Term Monitoring and Research Workshop (Halifax: Regional Environmental Monitoring and Research Coordinating Committee, Occassional Report No. 1), pp. 36-38.

"Charlottetown: A Peripheral Centre at the Cross Roads” in G. DeBenedetti and R. LaMarche (eds.) Shock Waves: The Maritime Urban System in the New Economy (Moncton: The Canadian Institute for Research on Regional Development, 1994), pp. 267-296.

“The PEI Royal Commission on Land Use, Land Ownership, and the Landscape: A Critical Review”, Atlantic Canada Economic Association  Papers (Wolfville: ACEA, 1994), pp. 115-130..

"The Future of Marginal Regions: The Case of Atlantic Canada” in  R. Byron (ed.) Economic Futures on the North Atlantic Margin:  Selected Contributions to the Twelfth International Seminar on Marginal Regions (Aldershot (U.K.): Avebury Press, 1995), pp. 19-51.

Contributions to  ABOUT CANADA, a  publication series  produced in a collaborative effort between the Centre for Canadian Studies at ¶¶ŇőPro and the  Department of Canadian Heritage with financial support from Mr.Charles R. Bronfman. ¶¶ŇőPro Canada: Poverty in Canada (September 1994) (with B. Fleming) ¶¶ŇőPro Canada:  The Changing Canadian Economy,  An Historical Perspective on The Microchip Revolution (February 1995).

"Liberal Arts Education and the Financial Crisis in the University: The Case of ¶¶ŇőPro” in C.Storm and T.Storm (eds.) Liberal Education and the Small University in Canada (Montreal: McGill-Queens University Press, 1996).

"The Financial Crisis and the Liberal Arts University: Some Unpleasant Economic Principles” in C. Storm and T.Storm (ed.) Liberal Education and the Small University in Canada  (Montreal: McGill-Queens University Press, 1996).

"Responses to Declining Government Funding: The Case of Differential Fees” (Fredericton: Maritime Provinces Higher Education Commission, 1996).

Special Report: Back to ABC - Rethinking Cost Allocation Systems, University Manager, Vol. 7, no. 3 (Fall 1998), 18-20 (with Neville Ralph).

“ABC Accounting Systems: An Example of  Technological Change and Diffusion” Oceans of Change: The Proceedings of the 29th annual Atlantic Schools of Business Conference (Halifax: ASB, 1999) (with Neville Ralph).

“What Can A Region Do? The Debate on Economic Development Options in Atlantic Canada”, Acadiensis, XXVIII, no.2,  (Spring 1999), 167-188 (With Hugh Grant).

“Equalization: Let’s Stick To The Principles”, Caledon Papers on Social Policy, December 2001(with  J. Ruggeri).

“Equalization: It’s ¶¶ŇőPro Values, Not Money” , in Sharing the Wealth: Choices For The Federation, The CRIC Papers (Montreal: Centre for Research and Information on Canada, September 2002), p 9-12.

“Debts Paid and Debts Owed: The Economic Policy Legacy of the Mulroney Government”, in , Raymond Blake (ed.) The Mulroney Legacy, ( Toronto: McGill-Queens University  Press, 2007), pgs.  42-60.

“The Economics of Liming and the West River Experiment: Some Lessons for Policy Makers”in M. Brylinsky and L. Hinks (eds.) Proceedings of the Acid Rain Mitigation Workshop Bedford Institute of Oceanography (Environment Canada, 2007).

OECD/IMHE Project supporting the Contribution of Higher education Institutions to Regional Development. Self Evaluation Report: Atlantic Canada, Canada, (Paris: OECD, 2007) (with Locke, W, E Beale, R Greenwood, C. Farrell, S. Tomblin, P-M, Dejardins, and G. Baldacchino).

“Local Government in New Brunswick”, in Andrew Sancton, ed.: The Provincial-Municipal Systems of Canada (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2009).

Atlantic Economists Offer Advice on Up-Coming Federal Budget, APEC Commentary, January 2009, p. 4.

“Climate Change Risk and Regulation” Horizons, 11(1), Spring 2009, (this paper was recommended for publication by external reviewers and their recommendation was accepted by the editor but then rejected because climate change was considered too political a topic to be included in an issue of a journal published by the Government of Canada devoted to risk in project evaluation).

“Searching for Tornados: The Upcoming Dementia Crisis in New Brunswick” Journal on New Brunswick Studies, 6(1), 2015, 55-82.

Invited University Lectures:

"Tuition Fees and Enrolment”, the Bank of Montreal Lecture, Acadia University, March 12, 1996.

“Fifty Percent Socialist: The Case for Higher Taxes”, The George Stanley Lecture , ¶¶ŇőPro, February 2007.


1978 B.A. (Economics) - University of Prince Edward Island
1979 M.A. (Economics) - University of New Brunswick
1985 PhD. (Economics) - University of Manitoba


Courses taught at ¶¶ŇőPro:

  • Economic Growth and Technological Change
  • Economic Growth and Technological Change: Japan and East Asia
  • Development Economics
  • International Finance
  • Modes of Classical Economic Thought
  • Modes of Economic Thought
  • The Canadian Economy
  • Industrial Organization and Policy in Canada
  • Statistics for Business and Economics
  • Regional Economics
  • Intermediate Microeconomic Theory
  • Intermediate Macroeconomic Theory
  • Natural Resource Economics
  • Advanced Economic Theory
  • Labour-Management Relations
  • Labour Economics
  • Canadian Economic History
  • Public Finance
  • History of Economic Thought
  • Canadian Public Policy
  • Macroeconomics and Business Forecasting
  • Business and Government Applied Public Policy Analysis
  • Environmental Economics
  • Special Topics: Crisis, Climate, and Income Distribution
  • Special Topics: The New Brunswick Economy
  • Special Topics: Public Finance and Economic Development
  • Special Topics: Radical Ideas in Economics



  • Labour
  • Public Sector Economics
  • Regional Economics

Grants, awards & honours

2015 Honorary Member of the Atlantic Canada Economics Association
2005-10 Edgar and Dorothy Davidson Chair in Canadian Studies, ¶¶ŇőPro
1997-98 Paul Parè Award Winner, ¶¶ŇőPro
1996-97 Paul Parè Medal Winner, ¶¶ŇőPro
1995-96 Paul Parè Award Winner, ¶¶ŇőPro
1983-84 Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council Doctoral Fellowship
1981-83 University of Manitoba Graduate Fellowship
1978-79 St. Dunstan University Board of Governors Graduate Scholarship, University of New Brunswick Fellowship
1976-78 St. Andrews Society Scholarship, University of Prince Edward Island Deans Honour Roll