
Andrew Nurse

Associate Professor
Hart 215
Office hours
Wed 9 a.m. to noon or by appointment
Teaching Philosophy

I write this teaching philosophy with not a little trepidation. Most teaching philosophies are structured as a journey from one place (a particular understanding of education or the role of faculty) to another, better and more humane place. I don't disagree with the idea of creating a more humane form of higher education. I think it is needed. My trepidation comes from the fact that my own thinking on education has remained oddly constant over the years, particularly but not exclusively in terms of its objectives. Higher education can accomplish many things. I hope the students who leave my classes know more about the subject, have built their competencies, and are more critically engaged. My aim, however, is not to improve the learning of students as individuals who might, then, becomes leaders in business, government, or the voluntary sector. My aim is to use the educational space I have to construct new systems of relationships that inherently and necessarily challenge the neoliberal and colonial order of late modern Canada. To be clear, I hope my students "succeed" in life, whatever that means for them. But our notions of success are often hopelessly compromised by the very politicaleconomic and social processes that most people in post-secondary education decry. Promoting student "success" in this framework strikes me as inherently problematic.

The key figures who influenced my thinking on education remain the great educators, activists, and scholars I first read as a student. They include Edward Thompson, Perry Anderson, Isaac Deutcher, Tariq Ali, and the recently deceased Mike Davis. "The Peculiarities of the English," Prisoners of the American Dream, and Considerations on Western Marxism remain vital texts. They point to an ideal of education that is intricately embedded in an already established and intensely politicized institutional framework. To be clear: the political character of higher education is part of the wider social formation and riven with internal conflicts. One can adopt different stances in response to it (e.g., Anderson and Thompson rarely agreed), but one cannot avoid it. In this regard, I reject the pedagogy of Edward Said and John Ralston Saul who see the academy as an almost utopian space of experimentation that stands outside political economy and social relations. The politics of education are complex, but its aim should not be to provide a respite from neoliberalism. Instead, it should seek to trouble and unmask the problems of the neoliberal order while simultaneously establishing new systems of relationships, values, ideals, and aspirations.

How can this be done? For Thompson, it involved reading domestic radical traditions as alternatives to the systems of inequality, marginalization, and violence that dominated society. For Ali, it involved intentional connections to society that mobilized opposition to the neoliberal state and its foreign policy. Davis considered progressive politics and their failures (such as postmodernism). Deutcher adopted some of this practice as well but married it to alternative modes of education (the teach in) and, in his time, anti-war activism. For Anderson, an understanding of the stagnation of progressive politics and its isolation in the academy was a particularly important matter to consider and, in my view, remains so. His wording is different, but his point is this: progressive academic politics that maintain no connection to popular struggles degenerates into virtue signalling.

My approach is structured by the twofold political-economic context of contemporary New Brunswick. On the one hand, we live and work in a post-TRC world actively addressing colonialism. On the other, we live and work within a political order of on-going neoliberal retrenchment in social services and the disempowerment progressive politics. This is married to a resurgent right-wing "populism" that poses a clear and present threat to anything resembling a democratic order. Our aim should not be to defend "actually existing" democracy, but to build a popular struggle that expands what Marx called "the realm of freedom." This involves asking students to be part of a system of educational relationships that is built on grounds other than established educational hierarchies. It involves a transparent relational pedagogy and a willingness to work in a more dialogic mode that supports student agency. It involves forms of instruction that encourage considerations of power and its operation in society, and which connects education to students own lived experiences. It involves seeing those lived experiences as valuable in their own right. And it involves an auto-critique that is something other than liberal identity politics. Instead, I ask my students to locate themselves within the specificity of our contemporary social formation and as part of an unfolding history that conditions -- but does not determine -- the future.

How does this work in practice? It is time consuming. In the first place, it involves knowing one's material but also making space for different voices and perspectives in the classroom. This most importantly includes Indigenous voices and perspectives. It involves practicing a relational pedagogy that makes extensive time for students. It involves contacting students who are having problems, working through solutions on an individual basis, and asking students to locate their problems not in personal characteristics but in social dynamics. It involves making space in courses for student contributions to it, refashioning classroom practices in response to feedback, relocating class spaces, and highlighting alternative process of authority, learning, and social relations. And it involves unmasking the power relations and contradictions of contemporary society while encouraging alternative conceptions of society, culture, and political-economy.

I look to meet these objectives through a series of educational practices that are defined in greater detail in a larger teaching portfolio and that are based around conversational modes of student empowerment. This includes adapting models of inclusive teaching, what is for me a partial embrace of "ungrading," and according space for students to determine the components of their own work in courses. I also look to relocate classes and consultation hours to physically accessible spaces, encourage student conversations with each other via discussion forums, and engage the ethics of learning and Indigenous Academic Integrity in all courses. Some of these developments are new to me; others represent longer-running pedagogical trajectories.

I will conclude by saying that I don't always recommend my pedagogy to others. Some faculty with whom I have spoken found it confusing and distrust its politicized nature. It takes considerable time and is grounded in uncomfortable conversations that don't point in easy directions. A key and often neglected element of this teaching philosophy involves listening and this can be challenging in itself. From what I can tell, my teaching philosophy fits poorly with most general pedagogical trajectories. It bears similarities to other progressive trajectories but also maintains important points of discussion and overt commitments to social change that problematize conceptions of individual "success." I am comfortable with that, as were the scholars and educators on whose work my idea are based.


Curriculum Vitae Dr. Andrew Nurse Canadian Studies
Pro 63D York St.
Sackville, NB E4L 1G9

Professional Experience:

Current Positions:

●            Associate Professor, Canadian Studies Programme, Pro.


Professional Qualifications:

●            Canadian Studies Post-doctoral Fellow, Centre for Canadian Studies, Pro 1998-2000.

●            Ph.D., Queen’s University, dissertation: “Tradition and Modernity: The Cultural Work of Marius Barbeau,” 1997.

●            M.A., Queen’s University, thesis: “A Confusion of Values: Artists and Artistic Ideologies in Modern Canada, 1927-1952”, 1991.

●            B.A. (Hons.), Dalhousie University, 1988.


Previous Positions:

●            Purdy Crawford Professor of Teaching and Learning, 2019-21.

●            Interim Dean of Arts, Pro, 2019-20.

●            Director, Canadian Studies Academic Programme, Pro, 2000-7; 2008-2014; 2015-2019.

●            Director, Centre for Canadian Studies, Pro, 2005-10; 2018-21.

●            Assistant Professor, Department of History and Canadian Studies, Pro.

●            Acting Head, Department of Anthropology, Pro, 2003-4.

●            Acting Director, Centre for Canadian Studies, Pro, 2000.

●            Post-doctoral Fellow, Centre for Canadian Studies, Pro, 1998-2000.



Teaching Fields:

Canadian Studies, Canadian History, Modern Thought, Cultural Studies

Courses Taught at Pro:

  • Arts Funding in Canada (Cana 4951 Independent Topic)
  • Advanced Studies in Popular Culture (Cana 4951 Independent Topic) Canadian-American Relations (Cana 4251 Special Topic)
  • Gender and Sexual Harassment (Cana 4951 Independent Topic) John A. Hammond, Life and Art (Cana 4950 Independent Topic) Selected Topics in Maritime Culture (Cana 4661)
  • Canada and the World Order (Massie Exchange) Introduction to Canadian Studies (Massie Exchange)
  • Contemporary Canadian Thought and Culture (Cana 4600, 2001-4/5) Nationalism (Cana 4600, 2000)
  • Regional Protest in Atlantic Canada (Cana 4651)
  • Media, Communications and Popular Culture in Canada (Cana 4251)
  • Women in Canada: Critical Perspectives (Cana 3300/01)
  • Canadian Women’s Cultural Expression (Cana 3311)
  • Native Peoples of Canada: Historical Perspectives (Cana 3101)
  • Native Peoples of Canada: Contemporary Issues (Cana 3111)
  • Canada and the Modern Age (Cana 2001)
  • Contemporary Canadian Issues (Cana 3400)
  • Introduction to Canadian Studies (Cana 2000)
  • An Introduction to Canadian Culture (Cana 2011)
  • An Introduction to Canadian Culture (Cana 2011 Correspondence)
  • Memory in Canadian Women’s Literature (Cana 4950 Independent Topic)
  • Immigrant Women in Canada (Cana 4951 Independent Topic)
  • Constructions of Canada, 1970-2000 (Cana 4951 Independent Topic)
  • Philosophy of Aboriginal Self-Government (Cana 4951 Independent Topic)
  • Canadian Post-Secondary Educational Policy (Cana 4251 Special Topic)
  • Museology and First Nations History (History 4950 Directed Study)
  • Contemporary Education Policy and First Nations (Cana 4950 Independent Topic)
  • Canadian Film (Cana 4951 Independent Topic)
  • Hockey and Canadian Nationalism (Cana 4950 Independent Topic)
  • First Nations Land Management Strategies (Cana 4951 Independent Topic)
  • Canadian-American Relations (Cana 3421)
  • Comparative Canadian Regionalism (Cana 3431)
  • Canadian Studies: Interdisciplinary Seminar (Cana 4600T correspondence)
  • Advanced Studies on Major Canadian Issues (Cana 4611)
  • Theory and Practice of Local Agricultural Production (Cana 4951, Independent Topic)
  • Directed Readings: Nordic Mythologies (Cana 4901, Directed Reading)
  • Directed Readings: Food Production (Cana 4901 Directed Reading)
  • Liberalism, Diversity, and Individual Rights (Pols 4950)
  • Censorship in Canada (Cana 4951, Independent Topic)
  • Nationalist Movements (Cana 4901, Directed Reading)
  • War, Culture, and Society in Canada (Cana 3991)
  • Canadian Migration to Israel (INLR 4950, Independent Topic)
  • Aboriginal Culture and Health (PSYC 4951, Independent Topic)
  • The Character of Canadian Democracy (Cana 3991 Special Topics)
  • The Canadian Community: An Introduction (Cana 1001, Course Supervisor)
  • Representating Canada (Cana 101L-2: Tutorial Instructor)
  • Introduction to Indigenous Studies (Unst 1991: Team Taught)
  • Citizenship and Diversity (Cana 1991 Special Topics)
  • Diversity in Canada (Cana 2121, Co-taught)
  • Regionalism in Canada (Cana 2431)
  • Canadian-American Relations (Cana 2421)
  • Recalling Canada (Cana 3231)
  • The Canadian Land (Cana 3451)
  • Culture of the Maritimes (Cana 4201)
  • Globalizing Canada (Cana 2991 Special Topic)
  • Diversity in Canada (Cana 4951 Independent Topic)
  • Life Security and Native Women (Cana 4951 Independent Topic)
  • Native Environmental Activism (Cana 4951 Independent Topic)
  • The Canadian Canon (Cana 4951 Independent Topic)
  • Media and Television in Quebec (Cana 4951 Independent Topic)
  • Bilingualism in New Brunswick (Cana 4951 Independent Topic)
  • Comparative Indigeneity (Cana 4951 Independent Topic)
  • Inequality and Monopoly Capitalism (Cana 4950 Independent Topic)
  • Wabanaki Art (Cana 4951 Independent Topic)
  • Democracy and Citizenship (Cana 4991 Special Topics)
  • Directed Readings: Crime in Cana (Cana 4901 Directed Readings)
  • Directed Readings: Aboriginal Food Security (Cana 4901 Directed Readings)
  • Directed Readings: National Parks in Canada (Cana 4901 Directed Readings)
  • Directed Readings: Gender and Education (Cana 4901 Directed Readings)
  • Directed Readings: Diversity and Quebec (Cana 4901 Directed Readings)
  • Directed Readings: French Immersion (Cana 4901 Directed Readings)
  • Directed Readings: Critical Race Theory and Aboriginality (Cana 4901 Directed Readings)
  • Directed Readings: Accessability and Post-Secondary Education (Cana 4901 Directed Readings)
  • Directed Readings: Canadian Art History (4901 Directed Readings)


Thesis Supervision:


Olivia Auriat, Honours, Canadian Studies (Accessibilty and Disability), 2017.

Catherine Stockall, Honours, Canadian Studies (Policing Aboriginality), 2017.

Susan Parker, Honours, Canadian Studies (Opposition to French Immersion), 2016.

Ryan vanden Berg, Honours, Canadian Studies (Gender and Post-secondary Education), 2014.

Kylie de Chastelain, Honours, Canadian Studies (Aboriginal Food Security), 2014.

Cassandra Robichaud, Honours, Canadian Studies (National Parks), 2014.

Pascale Bourque, Honours, Canadian Studies (Organized Crime), 2014.

Miranda Gouchie, Honours, Canadian Studies (Quebec and Diversity), 2014.

Gabrielle Dallaporta, Honours, Canadian Studies (Bloc Quebecois), 2011.

Katherine Joyce, Honours, Canadian Studies (Outdoor Education), 2010.

Harry Borlase, Honours, Canadian Studies (Inuit Self-Government), 2007.

Devin Ashley, Honours, Canadian Studies (Regionalism and Media), 2007.

Katherine Austin-Evelyn, Honours, Canadian Studies (Sexual Harassment), 2007.

Clayton Burrill, Honours, History (First Peoples and Colonization), 2007.

Amanda Jendrick, Honours, Canadian Studies (Landscape), 2005.

Jamie Taylor, Honours, Canadian Studies (Gender and Poverty), 2005.

Lee Blanding, Honours, Canadian Studies (Anti-Semitism), 2003.

Jennifer Adams, Honours, Canadian Studies (Media Bias), 2003.

Naomi Cielieski, Honours, Canadian Studies (Residential Schools), 2003.

Marna Pihl, Honours, Canadian Studies (Anti-Consumerism), 2001.

Nadine Pitre, Honours, Canadian Studies (Nationalism in Media), 2001.

Alicia Johnston, Honours, Canadian Studies (Federalism), 2001.


External Examiner/Reader:

Dodie Perkin, Honours, Canadian Studies, Pro, 2023.

John Leroux, Ph.D., History, University of New Brunswick, 2020.

Laura Carter, M.A., History, Saint Mary's University, 2020.

Julie Pellerin, Honours, History, Pro, 2011.

Mel Jellett, Honours, Canadian Studies, Pro, 2010.

Marianne Greene, Honours, Canadian Studies, Pro, 2009.

Anita Marie Slominska, Ph. D., Art History and Communications, McGill University, 2008.

Bill Skulmolski, Honours, History, Pro, 2006.

Margaret Conte, Honours, Anthropology, Pro, 2004.

Natalie Ward, Honours, Anthropology, Pro, 2004.

Erin Morton, Honours, History, Pro, 2003.

Matt Hinkey, Honours, History, Pro, 2002.

Stéphane Lévesque, Ph.D., Educational Studies, University of British Columbia, 2001.

Amanda Marline, Honours, Geography, Pro, 2001.

Doug Kane, MPA, School of Policy Studies, Queen’s University, 2000.

Lisanna Sullivan, Honours, Canadian Studies, Pro, 2000.

Heather Martin, History, Pro, 2000.

Sarah Nelson, Honours, Canadian Studies, Pro, 1999.


Summer Student Supervision:

Grace Wilson (co-supervision), Project: Food and Prison, 2019.

Kylie de Chastelain, Project: Decolonizing Education, 2013.

Zoe Williams, Project: Social Movements, 2008.

Clayton Burrill, Project: Mi’kmaq Community History, 2006.

Tim Jones, Project: Youth Literature, 2006.

Matt Brennan (co-supervision), Project: Jazz, 2001.


Community Service:


  • Member, MAFA Appointed, Joint Liaison Committee, 2023-Present.
  • Vice President, Pro Faculty Association, 2023-Present.
  • Member, Research Collaboration Working Group, 2023-Present (has not yet met).
  • Member, Transforming Higher education with Radical Inclusion (foundational teaching) working Group, 2022-present.
  • Internal Member, Department of Economic Program Review, 2022.
  • Member, PCTC Search Committee, 2022.
  • Member, Provost's Council, 2020-2021.
  • Member, Technology Committee, 2020-2021.
  • Member, Experiential Learning Committee, 2019-2021.
  • Chair and Member Ex Officio, Senate Committee on Teaching and Learning, 2019-2021.
  • Member, University Retention Committee, 2018-2021.
  • Member, Organizing Committee, Interdisciplinary Conversations, 2019-2021.
  • Member, Canadian Studies, LTA, Search Committee, 2021.
  • Member, Covid-19 Provost's Advisory Panel on Academic Programming, 2020.
  • Chair, Sub-Group on Technology and Teaching.
  • Chair, Working Group on Experiential Learning in the Humanities and Languages, 2020. Operation Suspended owing to Covid.
  • Chair, Provost's Working Group on the Purdy Crawford Teaching Centre, 2020.
  • Member, Quo Vadimus Organizing Committee, 2020-2021.
  • Member, Halliday MacKay Award in Environmental Leadership, Selection Committee, 2020.
  • Member, Pro Goals Discussion Group, 2020.
  • Member, Pro, First Year Experience Discussion Group, 2020
  • Chair, President's Speakers Series, Organizing Committee, 2019-20.
  • Member, President's Advisory Committee on Academic Innovation, 2019-20.
  • Ex Officio Member, Tenure and Promotion Committee, 2019-20.
  • Ex Officio Member, Senate Committee on Research and Creative Activities, 2019-20.
  • Ex Officio Member, University Senate, 2019-20.
  • Member, Senate Planning Committee, 2016-20.
  • Member, President's Council, 2019-20.
  • Chair, Marjorie Young Bell Fine Arts and Music Awards Committee, 2020.
  • Member, JEA Crake Teaching Development Awards Committee, 2020.
  • Member, Advisory Committee on Named Academic Chairs, 2019-2020.
  • Member, Sabbatical Leaves Committee, 2019.
  • Member, Board of Regents, Academic Affairs Committee, 2018-2019.
  • Marshall, Commencement, Convocation, Installation, 2017-2019.
  • Canadian Studies Representative, Senate, 2000; 2003-4; 2005-7; 2008-2014; 2015-2019.
  • Programme Advisor, Canadian Studies, 2000-2007; 2008-2014; 2015-2019.
  • Member, Adjudication Committee, Conference Organization Support Fund, 2019.
  • Member, Adjudication Committee, Faculty Incentive (Experiential Learning) Fund, 2019.
  • Member, Senate Agenda Committee, 2017-2019.
  • Member, Dean's Council, 2016-2019.
  • Member, MAFA, Collective Bargaining Subcommittee on Layoffs and Transfers, 2018.
  • Member, MAFA, Collective Bargaining Subcommittee on Appointments, 2018.
  • Member, Faculty of Arts, Student Research and Creative Activities Symposium Committee, 2017-2018.
  • Member, Budget Advisory Committee, 2017-19.
  • Guest Discussion, Canadian Leadership, COMM 4351, Fall 2018.
  • Discussion Leader, Academic Orientation, Fall 2018; Spring-Summer 2019.
  • Member, Academic Orientation Committee, 2018.
  • Organizer: Election of members to PAC to Examine the Position of Dean of Arts, 2018.
  • Member, Indigenous Studies Search Committee, (2 Positions), 2018.
  • Member, Academic Integrity Committee, 2016-18.
  • Guest Discussion, Regionalism, GENV 3511, Winter 2018.
  • Alternate, Tenure and Promotion Committee, 2015-2018.
  • Member, Search Committee, Canadian Studies, History, and Women's Studies administrative assistant, 2017.
  • Designate, Programme Level Ethics Review, 2003-7; 2008-2014, 2015-2017.
  • Member, President's Speakers' Series Organizing Committee, 2017.
  • Member, Women and Gender Studies Search Committee, 2017.
  • Member, Nominating Committee, MAFA, 2017
  • Member, Introduction to Indigenous Studies committee, 2016-2017.
  • Chair, Dean's Council, Special Projects Sub-Committee, 2016.
  • Member, December 6 Vigil Committee, 2016; 2018.
  • Member, Academic Judicial Committee, 2016.
  • Member, Arts Heads, 2000-7; 2008-2014; 2015-2016.
  • Chair, Arts Heads Ad Hoc sub-committee on Faculty Gala/Awards, Fall 2015-2016.
  • Member, Faculty of Arts Ad Hoc sub-committee on Student Symposium, Winter 2016.
  • Member, Arts Heads Ad Hoc sub-committee on Faculty visioning, Fall 2015.
  • Lecture, "A Modern Parable: The Morality of Memory in Shake Hand with the Devil" Research Matters, Fall 2015.
  • Lecture, "Canadian-American Relations" Cana 2001, Winter 2015.
  • Lecture, "Tartans and Tourism," Cana 3431, Fall 2014.
  • Seminar, Just Society, Cana 4611, Fall 2014.
  • Presentation, w/ Owen Griffiths, "When Things Go Wrong," Teaching Day, Fall 2014.
  • Chair, Canadian Studies/English Tenure Stream Search Committee, 2014
  • Member, University Governance Review Committee, 2013-2014.
  • Chair, Senate Standing Committee on Committees, 2013-2014.
  • Lecture, "Domestic Issues" CCC KGU Joint Seminar, Summer 2013.
  • Lecture, "International Affairs and Canadian Foreign Policy" CCC KGU Joint Seminar, Summer 2013.
  • Member, Herbert and Leota Tucker Award Committee, 2013, 2019, Member Ex Officio and Chair: 2020.
  • Lecture, "'The Outcome was Invariably Uncouth': Marius Barbeau and the Cultural Politics of Folksong" Colloquium Musicum, Pro, Winter 2013.
  • Member, Search Committee, CRC (Diversity and Social Justice), 2012.
  • KGU Exchange selection committee, Winter 2012.
  • General Editor, "Alternatives Series" Centre for Canadian Studies, 2006-12.
  • Member, Senate Committee on Committees, 2011-2013.
  • Member, Information Technology Committee, 2009-11..
  • Speaker, Hutton House Salon, Topic: the Monarchy and Canada, Winter 2012.
  • Member, Graduate Studies Committee, 2008-2011.
  • Chair, Faculty Council Ad Hoc Committee on Postdoctoral Fellowships and Academic Renewal, 2010-2011.
  • Member, Secretarial Search Committee, 2011.
  • Member, Brand Council, 2010-2011.
  • Member, Canadian Studies Post-doctoral Fellow Search Committee, 2001; 2003; 2011; 2012-3; 2021; 2023.
  • Member, Killam Exchange selection committee, 2011.
  • Chair, Crake-Sawdon Award Committee, 2001-2010; 2020..
  • Lecture, “ ‘And it seemed as though our efforts had failed’: The Canadian Folk Song and Handicraft Festival, 1926-1930” Music Colloquia, 2010.
  • Lecture, Canada and Deep Diversity, incoming International Students, 2010.
  • Member, Admissions Counselor Search Committee, 2010, 2011.
  • Member, Search Committee, CRC (Human Dimensions of Ecological Change), 2009-2010.
  • Member, Public Sector Studies, ad hoc discussion committee, 2009-2010.
  • Chair, Canadian Studies Awards Committee, 2000-2010.
  • Chair, Canadian Studies, Part-time Search Committee, 2009, 2012, 2013, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2023.
  • Chair, Internal Review Committee, 2009.
  • Member, Ad Hoc Committee on Cafeteria Name, 2009.
  • Member, MAFA Donations Committee, 2008-2009.
  • First-Year Advisor, 2008-2009.
  • Member, University Speakers Committee, 2008-2009.
  • Chair, Religious Studies Search Committee, 2007.
  • Guest Lecture, Poverty and Class in Canadian Society, Cana 2001, 2007.
  • Secretary, Faculty Council, 2006-7. Pro Temp 2009.
  • Acting Director, NAFTA Mobility Project, 2006-7.
  • Member, NAFTA Mobility Project Oversight Committee, 2006-7.
  • Member, NAFTA Mobility Project Coordination Committee, 2006-7.
  • Member, Faculty Council Executive, 2006-7.
  • Chair, Vice President’s Committee on Honour Codes, 2006-7.
  • Chair, LTA Canadian Studies Search Committee, 2007.
  • Lecture “Honour Codes” Pro Teaching Day, September 2006.
  • Lecture, Why Canada is Cool, Junior Rotary, 2006.
  • Guest Lecture, Canadian-American Relations, Cana 2001, 2006
  • Member, Appointments Sub-Committee, MAFA Collective Bargaining Committee, 2006.
  • Member, Equity Panel, 2001-3 (Music); 2004-7 (Music, Chemistry), 2009-10 (Music).
  • Chair, Steering Committee, Centre for Canadian Studies, 2005-2008.
  • Faculty Advisor, Rights and Democracy Club, 2005-6.
  • Member. Aboriginal Community Development Centre, Funding Sub-Committee, 2005-6.
  • Chair, Aboriginal Community Development Centre, Speakers’ Series, 2005-6.
  • Seminar, “The Problems of Public Activism: MOVE and the Failure of Citizens Activism in Halifax, 1971-79” Works-in-Progress Seminar, 2005.
  • Member, The Bean Review Committee, 2005.
  • Member, Ad hoc Committee on the First Year Experience, 2005.
  • Chair, Canadian Studies Post-doctoral Fellow Search Committee, 2005; 2007; 2009; 2013; 2017; 2018; 2019.
  • Member, MAFA Women’s Issues Committee, 2004-7.
  • Guest Lecture, History of Anthropology, Anth 1011, 2004.
  • Member, The Argosy, Publishing Board, 2004-5.
  • Member, Aboriginal Community Development Centre, 2003-6.
  • Chair, Search Committee, Department of Anthropology (tenure stream appointment), 2004.
  • Chair, Search Committee, Department of Anthropology (post-doctoral fellow), 2004.
  • Member, Research Ethics Board, 2003-6.
  • Member, Social Science Heads, 2003-4.
  • Member, Women’s Studies Search Committee, 2003.
  • Acting Coordinator, Mid-Sweden Exchange, 2002.
  • Member, Arts Heads Curriculum Sub-Committee, 2002.
  • Member, MAFA Health Benefits Committee, 2002.
  • Member. Women’s Studies Steering Committee, 2001-3.
  • Member, Academic Matters Committee, 2000-4.
  • Mentor, First Year Orientation, 2000; 2001; 2003; 2005.
  • Member, Editorial Committee, Canadian Studies Newsletter, 2000-2.
  • Faculty Advisor, Gender and Leadership Symposium, 2000.
  • Seminar, “The Social Lives of Prostitutes in Turn-of-the-Century Halifax” Works-in-Progress Seminar, 2000.
  • Seminar, “Cultural Appropriation on the Northwest Coast: A Case Study” Works-in-Progress Seminar, 1999.
  • Organizers, International Women’s Day Student Symposium, 1999.
  • Lecture, “Men, Feminism, and the Politics of Body Image” Body Image Symposium, 1999.
  • Organizer, Women’s History Month Programme, 1998-2000.


Academic, Scholarly, and Outreach:

  • Member, Editorial Committee, Journal of the Canadian Historical Association, 2021-present.
  • Contributing Editor,, 2017-present.
  • Member, Advisory Committee, Canadian Studies Network, 2013-present.
  • Member, Acadiensis/Acadiensis Press Joint Editorial Board, 2009-present.
  • Member, Findings/Trouvailles Editorial Committee, 2016-2022.
  • Member, Maple League, Teaching and Learning Committee, 2019-2021.
  • Member, Atlantic Association of University, Coordinating Committee on Faculty Development, 2019-2021.
    • Discussion Group: Diversity and Inclusion (2021)
    • Discussion Group: Publication of Proceedings (2021)
    • Discussion Group: Faculty Development (2021)
  • Member, Organizing Committee, Engaging Indigenenous Communities Conference, 2019. Canceled because of Covid-19.
  • Member, Special Interest Group: STLHE and Session Instructors, STLHE, 2018-2021.
  • Co-Organizer, Democracy, Citizenship, and the Good Life: Liberal Arts in the 21st Century, Bishops University, Winter, 2020. Cancelled: Covid-19.
  • Member, Maple League Deans Working Group on Languages, Fine, Creative and Performing Arts, Covid-19 response, 2020
  • Guest Class Lecture: Ethics and History, The Nature of History, Crandall 2020.
  • Co-editor, Acadiensis, 2015-2019.
  • Facilitator, Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, Contingent Faculty Special Interest Group, STLHE Conference, 2019.
  • Assessor, External Review, Center for Canadian Studies, Brock University, 2019.
  • Member, Jury for Notable Contribution to Activehistory, 2019.
  • Assessor, External Review, Department of History, St. Francis Xavier University, 2019.
  • Member, Award Committee, AAU Distinguished Teaching Award, 2019.●            Member, Canadian Studies Network, Best Book in Canadian Studies, Award Jury, 2018.
  • Blogger, Activehistory, 2011- 2017.
  • Book Review Editor, International Journal of Canadian Studies, 2016-2017.
  • Member, Organizing Committee, Arpents Environmental History and Studies Workshop, 2016-2017.
  • Member, Organizing Committee, Practicing History in the 21st Century Conference, 2015-2016.
  • Chair, Canadian Studies Network, Best Collection, Jury, 2016-2017.
  • Member, Organizing Committee, Atlantic Canada Studies Biennial Conference, 2014-2016.
  • Chair, Canadian Studies Network, Best Book in Canadian Studies, Award Jury, 2015.
  • Member, Standing Committee on Nominations, Acadiensis Board, 2014-15.
  • Member, Organizing Committee, New Directions in Active History, conference, 2014-15.
  • Lecture, "Pierre Trudeau as Public Intellectual" UNB, Fall 2014.
  • Promotion Assessment, School of Canadian Studies, Carleton University, 2013-4.
  • Vice President, Canadian Studies Network, 2010-2013.
  • Chair, CSN Students Awards Selection Committee, 2011-2013.
  • Member, Organizing Committee, Meeting Places: Performing Community in the Verbal and Visual Arts, conference, Centre for Canadian Studies/St. Mary’s University, 2010-2013.
  • Member, Jury. Atlantic Book Award for Scholarly Writing, 2013.
  • Tenure Assessment, Glendon College, York University, 2012.
  • Editor, CSN/REC Newsletter, Fall 2011.
  • Chair, CSN/REC Book Prize Committee, 2012.
  • Member, Organizing Committee, People and Politics, conference, Center for Canadian Studies, 2010-2011.
  • Associate Editor, Journal of Canadian Studies, 2008-2012.
  • Member, Canadian Studies Network, Steering Committee, 2008-10.
  • Member, On-site Committee, Archives and the Canadian Narrative, conference, Pro, 2008-9.
  • Member, Organizing Committee, TransCanada 3, conference, 2008-9.
  • Co-organizer, Canadian Studies: The State of the Art, conference, Centre for Canadian Studies, Pro, 2008-9.
  • External Review, School of Canadian Studies, Carleton University, Undergraduate Programme Review, 2008.
  • Co-organizer, The New North America, conference, Centre for Canadian Studies, Pro, 2007-8.
  • Member, Organizing Committee, OHC Conference: Canadian Federalism: The State of Play, 2006.
  • Author, NASC, Ethical Use and Contribution Statement, 2007.
  • Leader, Workshop: Historical Claims Research, Treaty and Aboriginal Rights Research Centre, 2007.
  • Co-organizer, Second Alternatives Conference, The New North America, Centre for Canadian Studies, 2007-8.
  • Member, Organizing Committee, Rethinking the Atlantic Canadian Economy Conference, Pro, 2006-7.
  • External Review, Department of Political Science and Canadian Studies, Mount Saint Vincent University, 2006.
  • Chair, Canadian Studies Programme Administrators Meeting, 2003; 2005.
  • Invited Participant, Cultural Workshop, Intersections of Diversity Seminar, Niagara Falls, Spring 2003.
  • External Review, Canadian Studies Programme, University of Prince Edward Island, 2002.
  • Member, Organizing Advisory Committee, Presence of the Past Conference, ACS, Halifax, 2003.
  • Member, Polling Sub-Committee, Presence of the Past Conference, Halifax 2003.
  • Member, Banquet Sub-Committee, Presence of the Past Conference, Halifax, 2003.
  • Member, Advisory-Committee, IPSOS-Angus Reid/ACS History Memory Survey, 2001.
  • Member, Organizing Committee, ACS Conference, Twentieth Anniversary of Constitutional Patriation, 2002.
  • Member, Atlantic Policy Congress, Treaty Education Initiative Focus Group, Spring, 2002.
  • Member, Identity Policy Seminar, Advisory Committee, 2001.
  • Member, ACS Committee to Examine Relations between the ACS and the Social Sciences and Humanities Congress, 2001.
  • Member, Conference Organizing Committee, Rural Canada: Moving Forward or Left Behind? Saskatchewan Institute for Public Policy, 2001.
  • Conference Chair, “Toward Resolution: Maritime Specific Claims Workshop”, Centre for Canadian Studies, 2000.
  • Invited Participant, “Research Round Table”, Multiculturalism Division, Heritage Canada, 1999-2000.
  • Academic Co-ordinator, Third Folklore Symposium, Music and the Rhythms of Everyday Life, Pro, 2000.
  • Co-organizer, Third Contemporary Canadian Issues Conference, Nationalism, Citizenship, and National Identity, Centre for Canadian Studies, 1999.


Local Community:

  • Member, Canadian Baptists of Atlantic Canada, Council Working Group for LGBTQ2S+ Conversation.
  • Member, Board of Trustees, Acadia Divinity College, 2021-present.
  • Moderator, Middle Sackville Baptist Church, 2019-2022.
  • Member, Elders Board, Middle Sackville Bapist Church, 2016-present.
  • Historian, Middle Sackville Baptist Church, 2013-present.
  • Sunday School Teacher, High School, 2013-16.
  • Mentor, Middle Sackville Baptist Church, 2013-15.
  • Public Talk: "Calling Out and Not Answered? Christianity, Original Peoples, and Colonialism" Sackville United Church 06/14.
  • Coach, Basketball: Sackville Bantam Titans, 2011-2013.
  • Coach, Basketball: Marshview Marshhawks, Winter 2012
  • Policy Board, Middle Sackville Baptist Church, 2008-2009.
  • Member, Friends of the Festival by the Marsh, 2008-2010.
  • Member, Strategic Planning Committee, Festival by the Marsh, 2008.


Peer Review:

  • Canadian Historical Review
  • Configurations
  • Southern Journal of Canadian Studies
  • History of Intellectual Culture
  • Urban History Review
  • Journal of the Canadian Historical Association
  • BC Studies
  • Social Science and Humanities Research Council, Grant Assessment, 2005; 2007; 2010; 2018-9.
  • Foucault Studies
  • Social Geography
  • American Review of Canadian Studies
  • Acadiensis
  • Journal of Canadian Studies
  • Canadian Journal of History
  • “Canadian Originals” (children’s book)
  • International Council of Canadian Studies, Grant Assessment, 2007.
  • University of Toronto Press, MSS Assessment ("Inheriting a Canoe: The Canoe in the Discourse of Canadian Nationalism") (Reassessment of revised MSS 2011)
  •  University of Toronto Press, MSS Assessment ("The Dignity of Every Human Being") (Reassessment of revised MSS 2011)
  • AAU Teaching Showcase, Fall 2014.
  • McGill-Queen's University Press, MSS Assessment ("Power, Identity, and Global Society: The Politics of Popular Culture")
  • Wilfrid Laurier University Press, MSS Assessment ("After NAFTA")
  • Canadian Plains Research Centre Press MSS Assessment ("Mind the Gap! Saskatchewan and Cultural Spaces")
  • Fernwood Press MSS Assessment ("Critical Canadian Studies")
  • University of Toronto Press MSS Assessment ("Winner's History" 2018).
  • Hearts and Souls Conference, Bishop’s University, 2019.
  • "Canadian Indigenous Peoples" MS Chpt for Broadview Press, 2019.
  • McGill-Queen's University Press, Expo 67 and its World, 2020.
  • Curating Newfoundland Art: A History of the Art Gallery of Newfoundland and Labrador MSS UTP, 2022.


Awards and Distinctions:

  • Herbert and Leota Tucker Teaching Award, 2012.
  • Paul Paré Excellence Award (Pro), 2011.
  • Hebert and Leota Tucker Teaching Award, nominated, 2011.
  • JEA Crake Teaching Award (Faculty of Arts), nominated, 2010.
  • SAC Teaching Award, Pro, nominated, 2005.
  • SAC Award for Excellence in Teaching, Pro, 2000.
  • Canadian Studies Postdoctoral Fellowship, Pro, 1998.
  • C. Atkins Award for Canadian History, Queen’s University, 1996.
  • SSHRC Doctoral Fellowship, 1991-5.
  • Ontario Graduate Scholarship, 1990.
  • U. Carmichael Fellowship, Queen’s University, 1989.
  • Roger Graham Fellowship, Queen’s University, 1989.
  • Izaak Walton Killam Memorial Fellowship, Dalhousie University, 1989 (declined).



  • Co-applicant, RSC Atlantic, Open Academic, Arpents, 2017 ($1500.00)
  • Co-applicant, Connections, SSHRC, New Directions in Active History, 2015 ($19,304.00).
  • PCTC, Teaching and Learning Grant, 2008, $2400.00 (Citizenship and Skill Set Transfer)
  • PCTC, Teaching and Learning Grant, 2006, $2400.00 (Academic Integrity)
  • Internal Grant, Pro, 2005, $2400.00 (Movement for Citizens Voice)
  • Internal Grant, Pro, 2004, $5000.00 (Movement for Citizens Voice)
  • Indian and Northern Affairs Canada, Grant, 2000-1, $15 000.00 (Specific Claims)
  • Leadership Pro, 2000, $1600.00 (Gender and Leadership)




Edited Collections:

w/ Mike Fox, eds., Dynamics and Trajectories: Canada and/in North America (Halifax: Fernwood Press, 2012).

w/ Raymond Blake, eds., Beyond National Dreams: Essays on Canadian Nationalism, Citizenship, and Identity (Vancouver: Fitzhenry/Whiteside, 2009).

w/ Lynda Jessup and Gordon Smith, eds., Around and Pro Barbeau: Modeling

Twentieth-Century Culture National Museums of Canada Mercury Series No. 83 (Gatineau: Museum of Civilization, 2008).

w/Raymond Blake, eds., Trajectories of Rural Life (Regina: Canadian Plains Research Centre, 2003).



w/ Mairi Cowan, "Teaching Academic Integrity as Good Historical Practice" in Sarah Eaton, ed., Handbook of Academic Integrity, 2nd ed. (Springer). Accepted for publication.

“Reflections and Conjectures: Post-colonial Historical Practices” Scholarly and Reseach Communications 12,1 (2021): 1-12 doi:10.22230/src.2021v12n1a393.

“Historiography: Historians and the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning” in Andrea Eidinger and Krista McCracken, eds., Beyond the Lecture: Innovations in Teaching Canadian History (OpenLibrary Pressbooks </classroom-practices-historians-and-the-scholarship-of-teaching-and-learning/>.

Note:  Slightly modified republication of two posts: "'Ditch the Highlighter': What the Research Suggests about Teaching and Learning in Higher Education" (2 April 2018) and "'Classroom Practices': Historians and the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning" (19 March 2018).

w/ Owen Griffiths, "When Things Go Wrong: Responsibility and Control in a Pro Classroom" in Louise Wasylkiw and Jennifer Tomes, eds., Pro Teaches (Victoria: Friesen Press, 2016), 49-64.

w/ Christl Verduyn, "Mixed-Practice Pedagogy and Undergraduate Teaching" in Louise Wasylkiw and Jennifer Tomes, eds., Pro Teaches (Victoria: Friesen Press, 2016), 81-94.

"'To Create Krieghoff': The Cultural Politics of Canonization" International Journal of Canadian Studies 50 (2014): 207-226.

"New Brunswick's Mural Legacy" Acadiensis 43,2 (Summer/Autumn 2014): 143-6.

"Gendering the Artistic Sphere" Canadian Journal of Art History 34,1 (Spring 2014), 24-47.

" 'Beauty Which We Had Not Previously Known': Walter Abell and the Dynamics of Modern Art in Canada" British Journal of Canadian Studies (March 2013): 1-20.

“The Questions that Hard Power Advocates Don’t Ask” Inroads 32 (Winter/Spring 2013), 134-40.

“Historical Materialism and Canadian Studies” in Christl Verduyn and Jane Koustas, eds. Canadian Studies: Past, Present and Praxis (Halifax: Fernwood, 2012).

“Patterns of Interaction: Canada's Relationship with North America” in Andrew Nurse and Mike Fox, eds., Dynamics and Trajectories: Canada and/in North America (Halifax: Fernwood, 2012).

"Paradigm Shift? Barack Obama and Canada" in Andrew Nurse and Mike Fox, eds., Dynamics and Trajectories: Canada and/in North America (Halifax: Fernwood, 2012).

“Narrating Cultural Contact in Northern British Columbia: The Contributions of Tsimshian Oral Traditions to Canadian Historiography” in Cora J. Voyageur et al., eds., Hidden in Plain Sight: Contributions of Aboriginal Peoples to Canadian Identity and Culture 2 vols (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2011), II: 181-193.

“Archives as Narrative: The Politics of Ethnographic Archiving at the National Museum” in Christl Verduyn and Katherine Garay, eds. Archival Narratives for Canada: [Re] Telling Stories in a Changing Landscape (Halifax: Fernwood, 2011).

“‘To Promote a Greater Understanding Between the Artist and the Public’: The Federation of Canadian Artists and the Social Organization of Canadian Art” Southern Journal of Canadian Studies (Summer 2011): 1-24.

“A Necessary Precondition: Michael Ignatieff and the Dilemmas of Civic Nationalism” in Andrew Nurse and Raymond Blake, eds., Beyond National Dreams: Essays on Canadian Nationalism, Citizenship, and Identity (Vancouver: Fitzhenry/Whiteside, 2008).

w/ Raymond Blake, “Narrating the Nation: An Introduction to the Context of Canadian Studies” in Andrew Nurse and Raymond Blake, eds., Beyond National Dreams: Essays on Canadian Nationalism, Citizenship, and Identity (Vancouver: Fitzhenry/Whiteside, 2008).

“Their Ancient Customs Are Gone: Anthropology as Cultural Process” in Lynda Jessup, Andrew Nurse, and Gordon Smith, eds., Around and Pro Barbeau: Modeling Twentieth-Century Culture National Museums of Canada Mercury Series No. 84 (Gatineau: Museum of Civilization, 2008): 13-26.

w/ Lynda Jessup and Gordon Smith, “Around and Pro Barbeau” in Lynda Jessup, Andrew Nurse, and Gordon Smith, eds., Around and Pro Barbeau: Modeling Twentieth-Century Culture National Museums of Canada Mercury Series No. 84 (Gatineau: Museum of Civilization, 2008): 1-12.

“Two Much of a Good Thing? The Case for Canadian Studies in the 21st Century” Canada Watch (Fall 2007): 26-30.

“Qualified Differences: Diversity and the Cultural Dynamics of Small-Town Canada” Our Diverse Cities 3 (Summer 2007): 59-63.

“The Ambiguities of Disciplinary Professionalization: The State the Cultural Dynamics of Canadian Inter-war Anthropology” Scientia Canadensis 30,2 (2007): 37-53.

“Marius Barbeau and the Methodology of Salvage Anthropology in Canada, 1911-51” in Julia Harrison and Regna Darnell, eds., Historicizing Canadian Anthropology (Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press, 2006): 52-64.

“History, Law, and the Mi’kmaq of Atlantic Canada” Acadiensis 33,2 (Spring: 2004): 126-33.

“The Varying Modes of Country Life: Marius Barbeau, Folklore and the Reconstruction of Rural Quebec, 1911-1945” in Andrew Nurse and Raymond Blake, eds., Trajectories of Rural Life (Regina: Canadian Plains Research Centre, 2003): 11-23.

w/Raymond Blake, “The Rural Problematic: Introduction to The Trajectories of Rural Life” in Andrew Nurse and Raymond Blake, eds., Trajectories of Rural Life (Regina: Canadian Plains Research Centre, 2003): vii-xi.

“A Profile of Canadian Regionalism” in K.G. Pryke and W.C. Soderlund, eds., Profiles of Canada 3rd ed. (Toronto: Canadian Scholars Press, 2003): 35-61.

“But Now Things Have Changed: Marius Barbeau and the Politics of Amerindian Identity” Ethnohistory 48, 3 (2001): 433-472.

“The Best Field for Tourist Sale of Books: Marius Barbeau, the Macmillan Company, and Folklore Publication in the 1930s” Papers of the Bibliographical Society of Canada 36,1 (1997): 7-30.

“Soviet Air Forces (VVS)” Soviet Armed Forces Review Annual 12 (1989): 162-74.

w/ Camille Habib, “Chronology of Events” Soviet Armed Forces Review Annual 12 (1989): 46-75.



Acadiensis (blog), Canadian Historical Review, Canadian Public Policy, Woman Magazine, Canadian Foreign Policy, New Maritimes, Left History, Seminar, Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, Canadian Ethnic Studies, Labour/Le Travail, Contemporary Sociology, University of Toronto Quarterly, Journal of Parliamentary and Political Law, BC Studies.


Papers Read/Discussant:

“Reconstructing Foundation Teaching” Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, Ottawa, July 2022.

w/ Elizabeth Wells, "University Administration and Academic Innovation: The Role of Deans" Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, Ottawa: July 2022.

w/ Toni Roberts, “’Cheating’ and Pedagogical Practices: Reframing the Ethics of Learning” Academic Integrity and Contract Cheating in Atlantic Canada Virtual Round Table, SMU, May 2022.

"Financing Community Activisim: The Movement for Citizen's Voice and Action and the Local Initiatives Program, 1971-73" Atlantic Canadian Studies, University of New Brunswick, 2022. w/Toni Roberts, "Academic Integrity in a Blended Model: Issues and Responses" Dalhousie Conference on Teaching and Learning, May 2022.

"'Addressing the Statue': The American Museum of Natural History, the Theodore Roosevelt Equestrian Statue, and the Re-organization of Institutional Historic Space." Canadian Historical Association, 2022.

Session Chair, Decolonization History, Canadian Historical Association, 2022. "The Experiences of Education: Or, What the Classroom Actually Does for You." Communiversity, UdM, Fall 2019.

"Maintaining Hope: Responding to Teaching Fails" Atlantic Association of Universities Teaching Showcase, UPEI, Fall 2019.2

"Connection, Relationships, Alternative Politics" Interactions Series, Pro, Winter 2019.

Note: Abstract published as "Maintaining Hope: Responding to Teaching Fails" Proceedings of the Atlantic Universities Teaching Showcase 23 (2019). URL: .

Session Chair, Tradition and Modernism among the Mi'kmaq, Atlantic Canada Studies, Acadia University, Spring 2018.

Session Chair, Oppression, Liberalism, Ethics, Resurfacing: Women Writing Across Canada in the 1970s, Pro, Spring 2018.

"'And Our Failure Seemed Almost Complete for the Time Being': Reconsidering the Canadian Folk-Song and Handicraft Festival, 1926-31" Canadian Historical Association, Ottawa, June 2015.

"'An Age of High Adventure and Romance': Marius Barbeau and the Cultural Politics of Folk Song," Canadian Society for Traditional Music. Sydney: Spring 2015.

"'A remarkable Local Spirit of Cooperation': Participatory Democracy, the Local Initiatives Program and the Embedded State" Political Mobilizations in Quebec and Canada, Montreal: Fall 2014.

"The Dilemmas of Liberal Nationalism: Pierre Trudeau's Approaches to Politics" Versions of Canada, Charlottetown: Fall 2014.

Session Chair, Halifax and St. John's in the Sixties, Atlantic Canadian Studies conference, UNBF, Spring 2014.

w/ Owen Griffiths, "When Things Go Wrong: Assessment and Response to in-course Problems." Association of Atlantic Universities Teaching Showcase, Fall 2013.

"Obama and North America" Panel Discussant, ACSUS, Fall 2013.

"Pyrrhic Victory: Opposition to Freeway Development and the Crisis of Civic Activism, Halifax 1971-3" Canadian Historical Association, Victoria, June 2013.

"Reflections" New Brunswick's Mural Legacy: The State of the Art, Symposium, University of New Brunswick Fredericton, Fall 2012.

"Gendering the Artistic Field: The Case of Emily Carr" Imagining History Conference, Concordia University, Spring 2012.  Note:  Also posted on line via the Canadian Women Artists History Initiative at: < sources/resources/conference-2012.php >.

"Complicated Memories: 'Honouring' Field Work and Native/Newcomer Relations, Marius Barbeau and the Wendat 1911-1956." Wendat/Wyandotte Studies Conference, Lorette Quebec, Spring 2012. Read by Benoit Thériault.

"MOVE: The Regional Dynamics of Participatory Democracy, 1969-1979" Canadian Historical Association, Spring 2011.

Session Chair, Regulation, Intervention, and Innovation: The State in Post-War Canada, Canadian Historical Association, Spring 2011.

Session: Chair: Language and the State, People and Politics conference, Centre for Canadian Studies Pro, Winter 2011.

Moderator, Session: Constitution, Canadian Studies Network, Annual Meeting, Fall 2009. "Archives as Narrative: Constructions of the National Museum of Canada's Traditional Culture Archives, 1910-1955" Archives and the National Narrative, 2009.

"Historical Materialism, Left Nationalism, and Canadian Studies" Canadian Studies: The State of the Art, Centre for Canadian Studies, Winter 2009.

“Networking Canadian Studies,” invited presentation, Networking Canadian Studies workshop, Ottawa, Fall, 2008.

Session Chair, The Left and Social Movements in Canadian and Global Context, Mobilizations and Engagements Conference, Centre for Canadian Studies, Spring, 2007.

Session Chair, Aboriginal Movements, Mobilizations and Engagements Conference, Centre for Canadian Studies, Spring, 2007.

“A Bunch of Academic Types: Organization and Ideological Conflict in the Movement for Citizens Voice and Action” Mobilizations and Engagements Conference, Centre for Canadian Studies, Spring 2007.

“Social Migration and the Metaphysics of the Self: Social Mobility and Identity in Alistair MacLeod’s No Great Mischief” ACS, Annual General Meeting, Fall 2006.

“I Just Think Pro the Power Structure: The Movement for Citizens Voice and Action and the Failure of Popular Participation in Public Policy, Halifax, 1970-79, An Historical Case Study” Atlantic Provinces Political Science Association, Fall, 2006.

Plenary Session Chair, Western Canadian Studies, Giving the Future a Past Conference, Fall 2005.

“Paths Not Taken: The Federation of Canadian Artists and the Trajectory of Canadian Cultural Development in the 1940s” ACS, Annual General Meeting, Fall 2005.

“The Pros and Cons of Controversy: Citizen Activism and Media Management, Halifax, 1970-78” Atlantic Canada Workshop, Spring 2005.

“Retreating from ‘The Swirl of Political Controversy’: The Movement for Citizens Voice and Action and the History of Civic Activism, Halifax, 1970-78” Atlantic Canada Political Science Association, 2004.

“The Instability of the Past: Marius Barbeau and the Revival of French-Canadian Folklore, 1914-53” ACS, Annual General Meeting, Fall 2004.

Session Chair, Literature and History, ACS, Annual Meeting, 2004.

Moderator, Students Open Mike, Canadian Studies Youth Forum, Toronto, 2003.

Session Chair, How Wide is the Atlantic Ocean, Presence of the Past Conference, 2003.

Session Chair, Biography in History, Presence of the Past Conference, 2003.

Session Chair, The North, Presence of the Past Conference, 2003.

Respondant, Keynote Address, Communities Uniting Conference, 2003.

Session Chair, Nation, Rights, Law, Metropolis, Citizenship and Identity Seminar, Humanities and Social Sciences Congress, 2003.

Session Chair/Commentator, Memory, History, Nation, Canadian Historical Association, 2003.

“Ascribing Identity” Intersections of Identity Policy Seminar, Spring, 2003.

“Social Transfers” Intersections of Identity Policy Seminar, Spring, 2003.

“Quest of Authenticity: Marius Barbeau and the Politics of Ethnographic Fieldwork, 1911-56” Historicizing Canadian Anthropology Conference, Winter, 2002.

“The Politics of Despondency: Michael Ignatieff and the Dilemmas of Civic Nationalism” ACSUS, Integration and Fragmentation Conference, Fall, 2002.

Session Chair, Advertising and National Identity, ACS, Broadcasting the Nation Conference, 2002.

“Making Peace with Modernity: The Federation of Canadian Artists and the Limits of Cultural Reform, 1941-46” ACS, Annual General Meeting, Summer, 2002.

“Canadian Culture” The Future of Canada-European Relations, Canadian Centre for Foreign Policy Development, Winter, 2002.

Session Chair, Section 15 and Equality, The Charter at Twenty Conference, ACS, 2002. “Reconstructing Rural Life: Marius Barbeau and the Cultural Transformation of Rural Quebec” SIPP, Rural Canada: Moving Forward or Left Behind?, Saskatchewan Institute of Public Policy, 2001.

Session Chair, Ethnicity and Rural Canada, SIPP, Rural Canada: Moving Forward or Left Behind?, Saskatchewan Institute of Public Policy, 2001.

Session Chair, Aboriginal Perspectives, SIPP, Rural Canada: Moving Forward or Left Behind?, Saskatchewan Institute of Public Policy, 2001.

w/ Manju Varma “Becoming Canadian: Nation, Narration, Identity and the Immigration Experience” Canadian Ethnic Studies Association Annual Meeting, Halifax, 2001.

“More Than Just Background Information? Teaching History in an Interdisciplinary Context” Giving the Past a Future, Conference, 2001.

“Alternative Narratives: Gitksan Oral Tradition and the Historiography of Native-White Relations in Northern British Columbia” ACS Annual Meeting, 2001.

Rapporteur and Facilitator “Victims of Racism” World Conference Against Racism, Atlantic Regional Consultations, 2000.

“Selecting Culture: Marius Barbeau and the Politics of Fieldwork in Canada, 1911-1949” Canadian Anthropology Society Annual Conference, 2000.

“It Should Have Been Easy: Marius Barbeau and the Problems of Folk Culture Revival in Early-Twentieth-Century Quebec” Third Folklore Symposium, Pro, 2000. “The Value of ‘Vanished Races’: Marius Barbeau and the Transformation of Tsimshian Culture” Nationalism, Citizenship, and Identity Conference, Centre for Canadian Studies, 1999.

“The Methodology of Authenticity: Marius Barbeau and the Cultural Politics of Salvage Ethnography” Atlantic Sociology and Anthropology Association Conference. 1999.

“Marketing Difference: Folklore, the Culture Industry, and the Affirmation of Difference in a Globalizing world: ASC, Annual Meeting, 1996.

“Only Scattered Remnants of the Past May Be Detected: Marius Barbeau, Huron-Wyandot Culture, and the Politics of Ethnographic Authority” History of Authority Conference, SUNY Buffalo, 1996.

“Organizing the Arts for War and Peace: Fred Taylor, the Federation of Canadian Artists, and the Limits of Progressive Reform” History in the Making Conference, Concordia, 1996.

“Pܲ󾱲Բ The Kingdom of Saguenay: Marius Barbeau, Hugh Eayrs, and the Dynamics of Folklore Publishing in the 1930s” Bibliographic Society of Canada, Annual Meeting, 1996.



w/ Hashmat Khan and Greg Tkazcz, Flying Too Close to the Sun: Department of Economics Program Review, Pro, 2022.

w/Dominique Marshall, External Review Report, Saint Francis Xavier, Department of History, 2020.

w/ Margaret Steffler, IQAP Academic Program Review, Centre for Canadian Studies, Brock University, 2019.

w/ Janine Broadie, Undergraduate Programme Review, School of Canadian Studies, Carleton University, 2008.

“Re-imagining the Atlantic Canadian Economy,” Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency, 2008. In fulfillment of grant.

w/ Don Dessarud and Tom Bateman, External Review Report, Department of Political Science and Canadian Studies, Mount Saint Vincent University, 2006.

Report of Waycobah Land Conflicts, 1920-1867, Treaty and Aboriginal Rights Research Centre, 2004.

“Responder” in Multicultural Association of Nova Scotia, Communities Uniting: An Atlantic Multicultural Conference Final Report (Halifax: MANS, 2003): 52-5.

External Review Report, Canadian Studies Programme University of Prince Edward Island, 2002.

“Rethinking the Canadian Archipelago: Regionalism and Diversity in Canada” Canadian Heritage, 2002.  Note: Available online at: <;.

“Toward Resolution: A Report on Specific Claims in Maritime Canada”, Indian and Northern Affairs Canada, 2001 (in fulfillment of grant).

“Nationalism, Citizenship, National Identity”, Citizenship and Immigration Canada, 2000 (submitted in fulfill of grant to Centre for Canadian Studies).

“Strategic Report: Medical History Museum of Nova Scotia”, Medical History Museum of Nova Scotia, 1999.

“Report on Accessibility” Dalhousie Student Union, Dalhousie University, 1988.


Other Writing:

“The Poisoned Well: The Politicization of Plagiarism in American History” Intersections (March 2023): 20-2.

w/ Suzanne Morton and Don Wright, "New Voices in Regional Scholarship" Acadiensis 48,2 (Fall 2019), 177-78.

w/ et al, "Co-Editors Note - Note de la direction" Acadiensis 57,1 (Winter/Spring 2018).

w/John Reid, "Co-Editors’ Note – Note de la direction" Acadiensis 54,1 (Winter/Spring 2015).

"Preface" to Roberta Lexier and Tamara Small, eds., Mind the Gaps: Canadian Perspectives on Gender and Politics (Halifax: Fernwood, 2013).

"Conference Report: People and Politics" CSN/REC Newsletter (Fall 2011), 7.

"The Multi-Languages of Canadian Studies" CSN/REC Newsletter (Fall 2011), 2.

"Off to Gronigen" CSN/REC Newsletter (Fall 2011), 8.

" Jessica Emin Named Crake-Sawdon Award Winner" The Argosy (18 March 2010). Also available at: < ;.

"Director's Message: Canadian Studies: Alive and Well?" Canadian Studies at Pro (Spring 2009), 1.

"Dr Nancy Vogan Gives Stanley Lecture" Canadian Studies at Pro (Spring 2009), 2.

"Assessing Canadian/American Relations" Canadian Studies at Pro (Spring 2009), 2.

"Race and Culture: Celebrating Black History Month" Canadian Studies at Pro (Spring 2009), 3.

"Four Authors: The Atlantic Canada Book Award Nominees Evening" Canadian Studies at Pro (Spring 2009), 3.

"The Canadian Economy in Financial Crisis: Eddie Goldenberg's Davidson Lecture" Canadian Studies at Pro (Spring 2009), 4.

"Ivory Tower Blues: James Côté on Liberal Education" Canadian Studies at Pro (Spring 2009), 5.

"Series Introduction" Alternatives Series (volume one) Matt Hayday and Marie Hammond-Callaghan, eds., Mobilizations and Engagements (Halifax, Fernwood 2008).

“Director’s Message: An Eventful Year” Canadian Studies at Pro (Spring 2008), 1.

“A New Curriculum” Canadian Studies at Pro (Spring 2008), 2.

“The Built Environment: A Joint Seminar” Canadian Studies at Pro (Spring 2008), 3.

“Jeffrey Simpson: Canada-US Relations and Climate Change” Canadian Studies at Pro (Spring 2008), 4.

“Director’s Message” Canadian Studies at Pro (Fall 2007), 1.

“New Faces in Canadian Studies” Canadian Studies at Pro (Fall 2007), 2.

“Re-imagining the Atlantic Canadian Economy: Canadian Studies at Pro (Fall 2007), 3.

“Kevin Lynch Gives Davidson Lecture” Canadian Studies at Pro (Fall 2007), 4.

“Director’s Message: Alternatives, Mobilizations, Engagements” Canadian Studies at Pro (Summer 2007), 1.

“New Faces” Canadian Studies at Pro (Summer 2007), 2.

“Visiting Scholar: Dr. Judy Rebick” Canadian Studies at Pro (Summer 2007), 2.

“Remaking Canadian Studies” Canadian Studies at Pro (Summer 2007), 3.

“Campus Events” Canadian Studies at Pro (Summer 2007), 5.

“New Publications in Canadian Studies” Canadian Studies at Pro (Summer 2007), 6.

“Honour Codes and Academic Integrity” Paideai 2,3 (October, 2006): 6-8.

“Multifarious Multiculturalism” Invited Letter to the Editor, Walrus (May 2006).

“William B. Sawdon and the Award that Bears his Name” The Argosy (2006).

“William Wolfe-Wylie Wins Crake-Sawdon Award” The Argosy (2006).

“Director’s Message” Canadian Studies at Pro (Winter 2006), 1.

“Canadian Studies at Mount A” Canadian Studies at Pro (Winter 2006), 1.

“The Canadian Democratic Audit” Canadian Studies at Pro (Winter 2006), 2.

“AٱԲپ” Canadian Studies at Pro (Winter 2006), 2.

“Dr. Frank Strain Named Davidson Chair of Canadian Studies” Canadian Studies at Pro (Winter 2006), 3.

“Recent Events at Mount A” Canadian Studies at Pro (Winter 2006), 5.

“Canadian Studies” Campus Scholar (Pro internal newsletter) 2,3 (Fall 2005): 3-5.

“Citizenship, Regionalism, Identity” Canadian Diversity 2:1 (Spring 2003), 43-4 and 89.

“The History of Sexuality in Atlantic Canada” Canadian Committee on the History of Sexuality (Spring 2002).  On-line version accessible via <;.

“Sex Sessions at the Toronto CHA Annual Meeting 2002” Canadian Committee on the History of Sexuality (Spring 2002). On-line version accessible via <;.

“Affirming Canada” Canadian Themes (June/July 2001).

“Confronting Indifference: Carrie Derrick, Scientist” Woman (Summer 2000).

“Sculpting Canada: The Art of Frances Loring” Woman (Spring 2000).

“Marie de l’Incarnation: First Woman of New France” Woman (Winter 2000).

“Laura Sabia: A Catalyst for change” Woman (Winter 2000).

“Remaking an Ethnic Heritage: Marius Barbeau and the Transformation of French-Canadian Culture” Canadian Heritage, Research Round Table: A Collaborative Project between Canadian Heritage, New Brunswick Universities, and Multicultural Organizations (2000).




Maryellen Weimer, "Activities for Small Groups" Chronicle of Higher Education (16 May 2022).  URL: - activities-our-readers-respond/?st=TPemail%3DTP220516%3Butm_term%3DTP220516&utm_source=Ac tiveCampaign&utm_medium=email&utm_content=Our+Readers+Respond%3A+In-Class+Small+Group+ Activities+%7C+Living+in+Love+with+Learning+%7C+Turn+Websites+into+Lessons&utm_campaign=TP NL+-+220516+e3&vgo_ee=469dsVgKt4zTKOt3qID5vA%3D%3D

Beth McMurtrie, “Teaching: How to Become a Better Teacher” Chronicle of Higher Education (11 November 2021).  URL: medium=email&utm_campaign=campaign_3182227_nl_Academe-Today_date_20211111&cid=at&source=&sourceid=.

Historians Histories: Andrew Nurse, Unwritten Histories (16 June 2018).  URL: .


Guest Commentator, “Mirror, Mirror,” Life Network/WTN pilot.


91.9 FM "The Bend" Interview about Flag Day (15 Feb 2017)

CHMA FM 106.9 Interview about Celebrating Canada (28 June 2012).

FM News 91.9 "For Better or Worse: What the Maritimes Gained and Lost with Confederation" (27 June 2012).

CFTA FM 107.9 Interview about Celebrating Canada Day (27 June 2012).

CBC Information Morning Interview (on Royalty and Canada) 4 November 2009. CBC Information Morning Interview (on Canadian Studies), 21 September 2004.

Print Media:

Craig Babstock, "Are We More Interested in the U.S.?" Times and Transcript (31 January 2009), A4.

Rebecca Anne Dixon, "Aboriginal Judge Replaces Acadian Poet" The Argosy 139,3 (September 22, 2009) <;.

Julia Whalen, "Canadians Not So Shy about National Pride" Times and Transcript (30 June 2012), A01.

Non-print Media:

Web Page Development:

ACRHC Contextual Essays (previously hosted via the Pro Aboriginal Community Development Centre’s web site). *This site is no longer under active development and has been archived.

  • ٱ-ҴDZԳԳ”
  • “Self-Government: Opportunities”
  • “Current Issues in Self-Government”

“The Artistic Life of Canada” Pro Canada/Canadian Heritage Joint Project. *This site is no longer active and has been archived. Previous URL: < faculty/arts-letters/canadian_studies/english/about/ study_guide/artists/>.

Canadian Studies Blog <;.


Internet Publications:

“Photography and the Culture of Celebrity: A Belated Review of ‘The World of Yousuf Karsh: A Private Essence’” (26 April 2023). *URL: -of-the-world-of-yousuf-karsh-a-private-essence/.

Review of Royally Wronged, Backhouse et al., eds., BC Studies (13 September 2022). *URL: - indigenous-peoples/

" 'Very Capable People': Thoughts on David Blackwood’s Art" Acadiensis (25 July 2022). *URL: - david-blackwoods-art/

“Suburbs Standing West: Potentially Untimely Thoughts on Post-World War II Atlantic Canadian Art” Acadiensis (27 June 2022). *URL: - thoughts-on-post-world-war-ii-atlantic-canadian-art/

“‘To Remedy the Damage’: The Montpelier Foundation and American Public History” (15 June 2022). *URL: - public-history/.

“Harvard and Slavery: The Moral Responsibility of History” (11 May 2022). *URL: .

" 'The role which conflict plays': Responding to Civic Activism in Halifax, 1971," Findings (19 May 2021). *URL: the-role-which-conflict-plays.

"Something other than catching cheaters, or why I like to teach about academic integrity and misconduct" Canadian Historical Association Teaching|Learning Blog (27 April 2021). *URL: - or-why-i-like-to-teach-about-academic-integrity-and-misconduct-2021-04-27.htm.

"Context and the Ethics of Memory: Re-asserting the Importance of John A. Macdonald" Acadiensis (12 April 2021). *URL: -the-importance-of-john-a-macdonald/.

"To Test or Not to Test: Assessment and Learning in Historical Education" (17 March 2021). *URL: - education/?fbclid=IwAR2aJ5LRGmJ_T21T_7WsKkinxEWjaqrGvaVOL9K0xz2mkIKqZt-DjEWLw4s. Reposted as “To Test or Not to Test: Assessment and Learning in Historical Education” Canadian Historical Association Teaching|Learning Blog (6 April 2021) URL: - blog/to-test-or-not-to-test-assessment-and-learning-in-historical-education-2021-04-06.htm.

w/ Ed Stoddard, "Peter Waite: A Tribute" Acadiensis (1 March 2021) *URL: - bW6XYPwHYe08UobN7GrY_yh7BMWAMps1btFIezTyJN-Kf69uZOOQ. Reprinted in Intersections 4,1 (2021): 33-4.

"The Problem of Legacy: John A. Macdonald and the Politics of History" Borealia (1 February 2021). *URL: - politics-of-history/.

Review of You Are Here, Acadiensis (11 January 2021). *Review noted above as Acadiensis (blog). URL: 2021/01/11/andrew-nurse-reviews-you-are-here/#more-2412.

"Did Anyone Not See This Coming? Erin O'Toole and the Historical Politics of Public Memory" (21 December 2020). *URL: -politics-of-public-memory/#more-29603.

Review of Moffard, Along the E & N and Kaehn, The Hot Springs Cove Story, BC Studies (24 August 2020). *URL: -maquinna-marine-provincial-park/. Review also published in BC Studies as text.

"What do you do when a course goes wrong?" (4 April 2019). *URL: .

“Disjunctures of Public Memory: Remembrance Day in Sackville NB” (8 November 2018). *URL: .

"Debating the Holocaust? The Role of Debate in History" (28 June 2018). *URL: .

"The Ironies of the Wired Society: The Internet and Contemporary History" (12 April 2018). *URL: -history/.

"'Ditch the Highlighter': What the Research Suggests about Teaching and Learning in Higher Education" (2 April 2018). *URL: - and-learning-in-higher-education/.

"'Classroom Practices': Historians and the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning" (19 March 2018). *URL: - teaching-and-learning/

"Reconsidering Stephen Harper's Historiography" (18 January 2018). *URL: .

"Remembering Colville: Genius and the Politics of Art History" (25 October 2017). *URL: /#more-22368.

"Cultural Appropriation and the Practice of History" (27 September 2017). *URL: .

"'In Defence of …': Historical Thinking and Cultural Appropriation" (20 June 2017). *URL: - appropriation/

"Thanking God For …? Historical Perspectives on Cultural Appropriation" (13 June 2017) *URL:

w/ Elizabeth Jewett "More than a Few Acres of Snow" (14 March 2017) *URL:

"The Chigneto Marine Transport Railway Company or, Thoughts on Failure in History" (15 December 2016) *URL: - or-thoughts-on-failure-in-history/

"Hippie Historiography: A Much Belated Historical Review of Neil Young’s Waging Heavy Peace" (6 October 2016) *URL: -of-neil-youngs-waging-heavy-peace/

Review of Perrun, The Patriotic Consensus, Canadian Military History (27 September 2016). *URL: .

"The Distance We Have Traveled: Practicing History in the Twenty-First Century" (14 July 2016) *URL: - twenty-first-century/

"Ordinary Sources: Manpower and Immigration’s LIP Announcement" Findings/Trouvailles (26 April 2016) *URL: .

"The Idiosyncracies of Memory: Marking the Life of Harold Geddes" (27 August 2015) *URL: .

"Emotion and History: The Book of Negroes" (12 March 2015). *URL: .

"The Moral Distance of the Past: History, Tragedy, and Ethics at Grand-Pré" (4 December 2014). *URL: -at-grand-pre/#more-14681

"'A Healthy Custom': The RBC and Whig History" (25 September 2014). *URL: .

"Celebration as History; History as Celebration" (3 July 2014). *URL: .

"The Ethics of Active History" (10 April 2014). *URL: .

"Judging the Past" (16 January 2014). *URL:

"Enterprise: Labour and Gender History through the Photographer’s Lens" (10 October 2012). *URL: - photographers-lens/.

"Christianity and Active History" (21 June 2012). *URL: .

"Ottawa House: Public History and Active History" (19 March 2012). *URL: /#more-7695.

"The Memorial Library: History without Historians" (14 December 2011). *URL: comment-page-1/#comment-19609.

"Marius Barbeau and Anthropological and Folklore Publishing" William Ready Division of Archives and Research Collections, McMaster University Library, History of Publishing Project (2009). *URL: - folklore-publishing

“Multifarious Multiculturalism” Walrus (May 2006). *Site no longer active. Previous URL: .

Review of Barker and Cole, eds., At Home with the Bella Coola, Canadian Ethnic Studies (2005). *On-line version of Canadian Ethnic Studies review noted in “Reviews” section. <httpo://;.

“Canadianization” H-Canada (2005). *URL: .

Review of Hemple, New Voices on the Shores, Seminar (2003). *Online version of Seminar review noted in “Reviews” section. < news_02.htm>.

“Intersections of Region: Race, Religion, Ethnicity and Heritage Languages” Metropolis Network (2002). *Site is no longer active. Revised draft of Canadian Heritage Report “Rethinking the Canadian Archipelago” noted in “Reports: section <;.


Internet Presentations:

“A Changing Canada: Canadian Culture” (Centre for Foreign Policy Development, 2002). *Site is no longer active. <=netcast2- cl1-e.rm>.



“Things I Never Thought I’d Have to Say: The Humanities and Post-Secondary Education” Ted Talk, Up for Debate, Bishops University, Fall 2019.

“This Professor is Biased: Thinking about the Use of Student Evaluations of Teaching” 2012 Herbert and Leota Tucker Lecture, Pro.

"Points of Engagement" 2009 Pro Commencement Address.

“Liberalism and the Dynamics of Civic Nationalism” 2008 George F.G. Stanley Lecture, Pro



  • Academic Integrity, Teaching Day, Pro, Fall 2022.
  • Academic Integrity issues, Maple League Micro Certificate, June 2023 (forthcoming)


Current Memberships:

Association for Canadian Studies in the United States Canadian Anti-Hate Network

Canadian Baptist Historical Society Canadian Historical Association Canadian International Council Champlain Society

Canadian Studies Network

Educational Development Community Coast to Coast to Coast Mid-Atlantic and New England Council for Canadian Studies National Council on Public History

New Brunswick Common Front for Social Justice Royal Nova Scotia Historical Society

Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education

  • Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Special Interest Group
  • Contingent Faculty Special Interest Group
  • SoTL Atlantic Group

Tantramar Heritage Trust



  • Maple League Micro-Certificate in Teaching and Learning, completed June 2022.
  • Certificate of Completion: Seeds of Change; Bystander Skills that Transform Cultures of Sexual Violence (Noveber 22, 2021).
  • Certificate of Attendance, Inside Higher Ed Webcast: How to Create Authnetic Online Assessments that Promote Academic Integrity (March 31, 2022).



Andrew Nurse teaches Canadian Studies at Pro. His key teaching areas include Canadian political-economy, citizenship, landscape and environmental history, and public history. His scholarly work focuses on public history and on issues related to academic integrity. He lives in Sackville with his wife Mary Ellen and is currently Vice President of the Pro Faculty Association.


w/ Mairi Cowan, "Teaching Academic Integrity as Good Historical Practice" in Sarah Eaton, ed., Handbook of Academic Integrity, 2nd ed. (Springer). Forthcoming.

“Photography and the Culture of Celebrity: A Belated Review of ‘The World of Yousuf Karsh: A Private Essence’” (26 April 2023)

“The Poisoned Well: The Politicization of Plagiarism in American History” Intersections (March 2023): 20-2.

" 'Very Capable People': Thoughts on David Blackwood’s Art" Acadiensis (25 July 2022).

“Suburbs Standing West: Potentially Untimely Thoughts on Post-World War II Atlantic Canadian Art” Acadiensis (27 June 2022).

“‘To Remedy the Damage’: The Montpelier Foundation and American Public History” (15 June 2022).

“Harvard and Slavery: The Moral Responsibility of History” (11 May 2022).

" 'The role which conflict plays': Responding to Civic Activism in Halifax, 1971," Findings (19 May 2021).

"Something other than catching cheaters, or why I like to teach about academic integrity and misconduct" Canadian Historical Association Teaching|Learning Blog (27 April 2021).

"Context and the Ethics of Memory: Re-asserting the Importance of John A. Macdonald" Acadiensis (12 April 2021).

“Reflections and Conjectures: Post-colonial Historical Practices” Scholarly and Reseach Communications 12,1 (2021): 1-12 doi:10.22230/src.2021v12n1a393.


  • Ph.D., Queen’s University
  • M.A., Queen’s University
  • B.A. (Hons), Dalhousie University


  • Cana 1001: Contemporary Canada: An Introduction
  • Cana 1011: Representing Canada
  • Cana 3231: Recalling Canada
  • Cana 3451: The Canadian Land
  • Unst 1991: Wicked Problems


  • Public History and Memory
  • Scholarship of Teaching and Learning

Grants, awards & honours

  • Herbert and Leota Tucker Teaching Award, 2012.
  • Paul Paré Excellence Award (Pro), 2011.
  • SAC Award for Excellence in Teaching, Pro, 2000.
  • Co-applicant, RSC Atlantic, Open Academy, Arpents, 2017 ($1500.00)
  • Co-applicant, Connections, SSHRC, New Directions in Active History, 2015 ($19,304.00).
  • PCTC, Teaching and Learning Grant, 2008, $2400.00 (Citizenship and Skill Set Transfer)
  • PCTC, Teaching and Learning Grant, 2006, $2400.00 (Academic Integrity)